Hello - it is me again =P
Actually I came here about NWN, but remembered something else to address. So I feel like a groupie.
I'm kidding. Okay so I saw the Update. Fo-o-o-o-or something that's aways out, but wdik.
The post right above mine is Why I'm not fostering some new thread that's unneeded. Only in my case I received this error message about ...okay I see the attach button down there. Here goes.
Never mind - doesn't like jpg / png / and bmp is apparently too big - dang
It says / said:
"Neverwinter Nights was unable to write to the directory:
C:\User\****\Documents\Neverwinter Nights
Please made sure that NWN has been given the appropriate permissions on your OS and anti-virus software in order to access the above user directory."
What the heck ? Stuff happens, but I'd ask atp - what do I do to turn this around? I didn't change anything tbw.
Please &Thank you.