I found them on Nexus when I was looking for mods that make game more challenging. I said "why not".
So far I am more than pleased with the experience I had with ROT. Community is helpful and polite. There are events, with nice rewards. You can role-play, you can power-play, whatever floats your boat.
Can't say anything about PvP (yet) because I'm too green to provoke some of those godlike players with a crapload of immunites stacked :) But I'll get there, in time.
Modified campaign looks nice so far. There is a custom crafting system in place, basically more advanced in storyline you are, better items you can craft - and I love this. No more making a wizard just for crafting.
Unless you are a complete moron, any character can become a powerhouse. At high levels are differences, but anything can work, really.
I'm glad I found them.