dnna: No, it's more than that. Music, vocals, I don't know. I wish I could be more specific but I'm really stupid when it comes to anything music-related :C
Well, thanks :)
dnna: She's my hero. The conversation was so sudden and so amazing. I tried all dialogue options yesterday and, oh dear. Some of that stuff is
Isn't one of the dialogue options you can choose just crazy misogynistic? I remember going through each one and actually feeling bad because of one of those. Here's hoping that it's something that transfers to Witcher 3--that encounter seemed a little too focused to be a random thing that's never mentioned again.
Kindo: I would love a similar album for TW2. Some of the music on the first one were not exactly to my taste, but the majority was absolutely superb.
I'm really,
really hoping that I can recruit some more musicians for this and end up with a bunch of different styles so that everyone can like at least one track :)
But, you know... they're being shy. I need to build a musician trap, someone call Cedric.
Marcin360: Not a programmer actually, I'm a community manager.
I deserve bonus points for already knowing this from the end credits of Witcher 2. Also, you're not off the hook because they mistook your job--I demand samples of this rap you speak of :)