scampywiak: Or maybe Mario Brothers. They aren't prepared for the kind of moral subtlety that The Witcher offers. Let's not forget, TW2 involves actual
reading. Are console gamers prepared for something like that?
Mario has metric tons of moral subtlety. Example: in Mario 64, you can either save a baby penguin by returning it to its mother, or leave it to its fate. If you save it, you have to climb all the way back up the mountain. Boom, moral dilemma.
Okay, but seriously. it's my opinion that console gamers like to pretend to be older than they are and feign sophistication in their game choices. I've never heard a console-owner explain away owning Gears of War by going, "Oh, you shoot stuff and it dies!" It's always, "The game has a really deep story." It's this specific personality trait (or delusion) that leads me to believe that there will be significant interest in the Xbox version of Witcher 2.
That and the sex in the game. Young'uns are gluttons for the nasty.