cloud8521: well to be plain, fuck what you want, there is no need to have anything become distorted
also it would be Vert + not Vert-. since you would be adding to the vertical. obviously you dont know much about what you say
cjrgreen: Narrow -> Wide by reducing vertical is VERT-
Wide->Narrow by increasing vertical is VERT+
Conventional usage is to use VERT- for both.
In either case, it is an objectionable effect that is also referred to as "fake widescreen". Any company that refuses to implement it gets extra cred in my book.
Hor- = Vert+ which you stated wrongfully as Hor-= Vert-
because with HOR- you can go from "wide"> Full
now heres the thing, you look at this without looking at the ... full picture
widescreen does not exist. narrow does not exist its all marketing and you fell for it.
essentially you get a picture.
16:9 is just 4:3 with a cut off top and bottom and 4:3 can jsut be 16:9 with cut off sides. but you are such a fool that you seriously think that wide screen is better. its cheap to produce. if you cant see that then.. well good for you, go have a circle jerk at windscreen gaming but leave your ignorance at the door. they used .... vert - here they only took off the field of view designed to be seen. I fail to see at all how making the game vert+ (as in when being translated to a 4:3 you add to the top and bottom) will make it worse for 16:9 they would be getting the same FOV before the patch. but then again they will whine about not getting the better deal for their cheaper monitors. but it makes the most dense because its bad design to take away from your intended view. if you cant understand any of this then i do lose all hope in your ability to comprehend. screw your "true Widesreen" as there is no real widescreen.