dnna: Can we petition to have more hours in the day? More days in a week? :(
Don't I wish, dnna. Really, literally so.
dnna: I'm going to go completely crazy if GK is that better than Gray Matter. I cannot describe how
obsessed I was with it - I understand it has a lot of flaws and it's ridiculously easy for an adventure game, but there's something very magical about its atmosphere and characters. Hell, I still keep a track from the game as my morning alarm.
Gray Matter does have it's own distinctive charm. I don't deny that. I enjoy playing it, but not as I much as I experienced GK series. I can't quite put the words around what's lacking--maybe the atmosphere, some critical plot holes I found at the end of the game.... I don't know.
And if you really are that much into adventure games like I am, as currently GoG only offers old games--and if you have not yet know about it, you could check out this link for similar website:
It's specifically
dedicate for old and new adventure games, sold at prices ranging from $19 - $29, accept regular paypal transfer, some of their games are DRM and some don't, but they basically emphasize on the philosophy of, "If you paid for the game, you should always be able to active it for your own use." So, one can install and reinstall on the same PC as many times they want.
Don't forget to check on their FAQ, though.