zorphon: I need help with the fight against Letho! This is my 30th time fighting him. No kidding. 30 times. I am playing on Normal, and I just can't take it! This fight is killing me. I've tried TONS of different strategies, none of which work. I get him AT THE MOST to 90% hp and then die. This game is so frustrating in difficult, but I am -ok- in normal fights, but these boss fights; especially this one is just killing me!
I don't know what to do, I really don't want to put it down to Easy because I want to beat the whole game on Normal. What should I do?
I know the feeling. I died about 5 times until I figured what works for me. As soon as the fight starts, I entered my inventory screen and applied some increased damage oil [forgot the name], as I wanted to try the fight without pre-loading the sequence and gulping Swallow etc...just for shits/giggles. Apply your shield. Then roll around the floor within reasonable close proximity. I believe he'll stop tossing bombs if you close the gap. Wait for his shield to drop [he's on a timer just like you] and then jump in for a few hits. Blocking his strikes and counter-striking works. You may not be able to avoid all his sign attacks but should be to avoid most if not all the bombs. That works like a charm. He may try his whirlwind or whatever sword attack but just dodge out of the way and try to land a couple hits on his backside. Rinse repeat.