Posted April 10, 2013

Both times I got the real recipe from the trader.
This is the first part of the journal entry, which is the same on both runs:
"Do you like the scent of incense? Then Listen. Geralt met a scholar at the harbor. The man claimed that one of the local shopkeepers sold incense producing poisonous smoke. He could not prove the murderous trade without producing a recipe for the incense. Geralt promised to get the man a recipe for a tidy sum of orens.
Do you think getting the recipe was difficult? Not at all. Geralt brought the information to the scholar at the harbor.
A good scholar takes nothing at face value. After the witcher gave him the incense recipe, the scholar from the harbor wanted to test its authenticity in his laboratory and agreed to meet the witcher on the market side of the gate."
This is the rest of the entry for the successful quest:
"The witcher agreed to have his eyes covered and was led to his employer's hideout. Thus he walked straight into a trap. Yet it was a trap set by amateurs, and Geralt was a professional.
Geralt dealt with his employer and the others. Science was unharmed, however, because they all turned out to be fisstech dealers and the remnants of Salamandra, an organization which had crossed the witcher long ago."
And this is the rest of the entry from this run, which failed:
"Geralt laughed at the notion of covering his eyes. He demanded to know the location of laboratory and brought the recipe there.
The scholar was not who he claimed to be, but it made no difference to the witcher. He knew he gave the man a recipe for fisstech, caring only about his reward, he left content."