AudreyWinter: Wow, I'm actually one of the younger "old girls" here, one year shy of 40. Good to know there are others like me. :)
I am also not too good with my fingers due to MS, which gives me bad fine motor skills, bad coordination, slow reaction. That is why I prefer to use a controller for gaming, makes movement and combat a lot easier (and menu navigation a lot worse, but it's a worthy trade-off).
In the dragon sequence, I thought that something was off with my game. Before I even noticed what was going on, it was over and the dragon flew away with my spare silver sword (they were so nice to not let imported swords get eaten). I was baffled, because I went in there blind, but I had read before that the dragon is a pain. I didn't even get the QTE notice in time, but got through it anyway on the first try. Obviously this is a scene perfect for controller and a hassle for kbm, because I instinctively pushed the left stick down and didn't let up, whereas at the keyboard you tend to start to walk forward and turn around, which is too slow.
I can really recommend learning to play with controller on the pc, if you're having trouble with some controls on the keyboard. I use both together, as much as the game will allow, like using the hotkeys C, M, I, J is faster than through the menu. But those you mostly use out of combat, so you don't have to abandon your controls in a dangerous situation. I just wish they would make the mouse pointer visible for use in the menus (yes, it is there, but you have to play hide and seek with it).
Somebody gave me the thing to install so I can use one of my PS3 controllers. You are right about menu navigation though. Not sure about the tradeoff though until I try it.