mikegogrichard: And the mutagen bug also seems to affect general skills as well; updated the list. Again, pretty huge/annoying issue - hopefully will be fixed in the next patch.
Rozenman - would you mind checking out those two merchants and letting me know what you find? You probably just didn't notice the issue with them, as they're the only two I've found so far that seem to have this problem (though I'm only halfway through Velen/Novigrad).
mad2gamer - wish I could help with the screenshot issue, but I haven't tried myself. Maybe someone else has an idea?
I have this shit with sword smithy on Skellige lol. First of all when he appears i am unable to talk to him. When i medidate hi might disappear and then i just have to go away a bit then turn arround and he appears from nowhere lol.This issue also happens with some other smithies but only those who make swords for some reason. Mostly you just unable to talk to them they reply like any other decorative Npc's so i have to meditate.