Chippy123: I've got the Gog version of both games, patched to latest version (Witcher 3 is GOTY edition). I followed IGN's instructions and placed the folder into the GOG game directory.
Hickory: Why would IGN say that? It is totally the wrong information. The saved games have no place in the game folder. They must go into your Windows documents folder.
When that didn't work I placed the files in there as well. Then I just did the same on the chance that placing them in the documents library savegame location might work.
I don't get the option to import the save, I just get the simulate save game on/off option. Whichever one I pick just starts the game.
What am I missing??? Advice appreciated.
Hickory: You must ensure that your Witcher 2 saved games are in their original place, ie:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Witcher 2\gamesaves\
For clarity let's assume that your %USERPROFILE% is Chippy123 and Windows is installed on your C: drive. That would make the exact path:
C:\Users\Chippy123\My Documents\Witcher 2\gamesaves\
NB: The Witcher 2 game saves folder does NOT include the word "The" like the other 2 games.
Yeah - it doesn't really wanna work . Just for laughs here's the IGN quote:
"Copy these files, then transfer them to whichever drive you have your GOG games installed to, then into the Witcher 3 folder. Typically, this is: [Root]:\GoG Games \ The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Once the files have been copied, reload the game and you should see an "Import Witcher 2 Save" when starting a new game".
I've just picked the save game simulation option and will have to bite down on a bit of OCD. Thanks anyway.