Please allow me a couple of days (perhaps done earlier) to do the number crunching now, since I want to write up a battle report that makes sense, shows relevant damage/hit points etc. and is hopefully fun to read. Plus I need to do a thousand dice rolls now (
actually, 180 I reckon). What was I thinking?!
But to give you something while you wait for the bones to shatter left and right (some yours no doubt, some of your dreadful foe),
here is a list of actions the boss will choose from (damage is dice rolls e.g. 3d6). Stop that teeth chattering everybody, it's all too late now... O.O
Stay tuned :)
Regarding Awesome Games Done Quick 2016, the marathon saw $1,213,146.99 directly go to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. And all that from a week of people playing video games fast. Mind-blowing.
For speedruns you've missed live, there is the
GDQ YouTube channel to go nuts with. One of my favorite runs I've watched this year was the blindfolded
Mike Tyson's Punchout!! race. Also, you can consult
[url=]two reddit pages for ideas which vids might be interesting to lose some time on.
Next GDQ will be from July 3-9, their Summer Games Done Quick event.
EDIT: The damage of the boss actions is listed in dice rolls e.g. 3d6 (GoreFont might be a bit in the way of readability, sorry); amended the image now.