HeresMyAccount: dtgreene, well as far as GUI vs. text, I can see your point, but there's also the other side of it. Why would I want to do the foloowing:
* Look up the command that I want to use
* type it in and make sure all the parameters are correct
when I could just click some buttons instead?
And as for your list of cons:
* A GUI isn't necessarily slow. Hell, if a computer can run games with extreme 3D graphical capabilities, why would normal desktop windows necessarily run slowly?
* Don't you have to find the file or package that you're looking for either way? If you're using text then you'll have to type the whole path, and if you don't happen to remember
exactly what it is then you'll have to do it a piece at a time, using the ls command to remind you of all the subdirectories.
* Is double-clicking really that difficult? I would think it's easier than typing a sentence.
Anyway, I'm not trying to be argumentative - honestly I'm not, but I just don't think those specific reasons seem very good to me. Now as for using a trackpad, maybe that's a different story, but I wouldn't know, because I'm using a mouse on a desktop.
The slowness isn't just the the computer; it can be the thing in between the chair and input device (in other words, the user). I find it much faster to type a command than to use a mouse to locate what I'm looking for on the screen, for example.
Tab completion helps; given just the first few letters of a command or file name, pressing tab will complete the rest (if that doesn't work, there are multiple possibilities and a second tab will list them). No need to interrupt the command to do a "ls" to figure out the name of the file you're looking for when the tab key can do that.
I believe double-clicking can be difficult for some users, or for some (less common) input devices.
HeresMyAccount: As for .zip/.rar files, I haven't seen any, but the ones that seem to be most prevalent are the .tar.gz files, which seem to be similar.
Linux actually separates the actions of combing multiple files and compressing them (though .tar.gz files are common enough that many tools, including the tar command, allow decompression and extraction in a single step).
The .gz extension is gzip, a program that compresses just a single file. If you have a file that you don't need to access much, and you want to compress it to save space, you can call the gzip command on it. Note that this only works for a single file.
The .tar extension stands for "Tape ARchive", which dates back to the days when it was common to store backups on tape. .tar files are not compressed; rather, these files just consist of a bunch of files glued together, with an index of what files are present. You could call it a filesystem, but it's much simpler, and is optimized for storing files and not actually using them, hence why you have to extract them to use them. (You actually can put a .tar file directly onto a USB device without a filesystem; this is useful in the rare situation where you need to transfer files that would fit on the device if it weren't for the space overhead of a real filesystem.)
So, you can tar up a bunch of files, then run gzip on the entire archive, and you get a .tar.gz file. (You may encounter .tar.bz2 and .tar.xz; these are similar, but differ in that a more powerful but slower compression algorithm is used.)