In other Linux news: I've finally set up my first BTRFS archive (on an external USB HDD), yay!
Like I've mentioned before, I'd like to use either BTRFS or OpenZFS filesystem (instead of ext4 or NTFS or whathaveyou) for my personal file archives because these filesystems take e.g. data integrity seriously, trying to make sure files don't become corrupted, keeping checksums for all the data all the time and tools to check data integrity at any time. (They have lots of other advanced features as well but that is currently the main reason for me to want to use either one.)
Anyway, in Linux btrfs seems to be common already so I went ahead with it. The instructions I read before made it seem very complicated with RAID this and scrub that, but it was mainly because those instructions were apparently meant for more advanced RAID setups etc.
For me all that was really needed was (/dev/sdc is my empty external HDD without any existing partitions, and I will label it as "BTRFS_ARCHIVE"):
sudo apt install btrfs-progs (I think it was earlier called "btrfs-tools"?)
sudo mkfs.btrfs -m single -d single -L BTRFS_ARCHIVE /dev/sdc And that's it. I used the "single" profile meaning that btrfs can't fix file errors by itself (only detect them), but then that is why I have the secondary backup on another USB HDD, from which I will copy and replace any files which ever might become corrupted. I keep it simple for now.
This is a good place for btrfs usage information: Next step: testing how well the Windows BTRFS-driver (WinBtrfs) works: It is enough for me if those BTRFS archives are readable in Windows, but if I can also change the archives from Windows as well securely, all the better.
I wonder when Microsoft will introduce a similar, more advanced, filesystem? Even Apple apparently already has AFS ("Apple File System") with similar, btrfs/OpenZFS-kind, advanced features.
Knowing Microsoft though, I wouldn't be surprised Windows 10 Home users would be left without the new filesystem, just like e.g. BitLocker (encryption) is apparently not available for Home users. Peasants don't need such "advanced" features! Or if they do, pay up extra!
Linux rambling mode off, for now.
timppu: One thing that interests me on Manjaro though is its rolling update model, so now I am trying to figure out what, if any, drawbacks are there to rolling updates compared to "standard releases". I think Debian uses rolling updates too?
clarry: If Squeeze, Wheezy, Jessie, Stretch, and Buster ring a bell, you've heard of Debian releases. So no, it is not a rolling release distro. (Except maybe if you follow Sid)
Oh ok, then I apparently misunderstood something. I ran both vanilla Debian and Linux Mint Debian on VirtualBox for awhile, just to see how they felt compared to Ubuntu-based Mint.