Actually, I'm slightly back to the drawing board. First of all, I'm very happy with Linux Mint running on my HD, but I also want to install on a USB stick, and I've been looking into doing that read-only to minimize (or entirely eliminate) wear and tear (there's no wear and tear from
reading data, right?). In any case, the installation in question will have all system settings pre-configured before it's made read-only, and any saving will be onto other drives. It will be used for running one program, which doesn't auto-save any temp files. I'll have no swap partition
or swap file, and I think I have a way to disable journaling (which I think is like logging, right?). So I wouldn't
think there should be a problem.
So I asked a question about it on other message boards and as usual I got a run-around. But here people are actually helpful (and this isn't even a Linux-themed website, go figure). So I thought you might be able to advise me please.
Anyway, some people did say that I shouldn't/can't do that in Mint, and there are other distributions that are better at it (I think they're referring to "lightweight" ones such as Puppy and Porteus). I looked up Porteus and couldn't even figure out how to download it from any of the mirrors, because there's a list of files similar to GitHub, but no evident way to download all at once.
However, I also found this:
If you scroll down to where it says the heading "Permanently mount file systems as read-only" it explains how to do that, but I'll provide a summary here:
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
sudo nano -w /etc/fstab
add the "ro" option at that line, for example:
UUID=96E4E375E4E35651 /media/data-storage-windows ntfs defaults,ro 0 2
press Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit
So in other words, back up the fstab file, then edit it so that it says to make the drive read-only. But I wanted to verify, will this actually work for a Linux Mint OS drive, so that it won't write
anything onto the drive as long as the fstab file is altered in that way, so that I could configure all settings until they're exactly how I want, then do this, and then everything will stay exactly the same, but I'd still be able to run a program from the USB drive and save data onto
other drives such as a hard drive?
EDIT: Out of curiosity, I just looked in the fstab file on my HD and the line says something like:
UUID=[Blah Blah Blah] / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
So in this case I can see it's mounted to / and it's ext4 instead of ntfs, but instead of defaults,ro it says errors=remount-ro. So this implies it already has the ro in it, but it doesn't say it after defaults, but rather after
errors and specifying to remount. I'm only speculating but it seems to mean that if there's an error of some kind then it will attempt to remount the drive in a read-only way, but the syntax here is entirely different than what I was lead to expect. Also, the numbers are 0 1 rather than 0 2, but I don't know the significance of that.