Alright, so now I have time to reply to everyone:
clarry: OK, I've never used Mint and I didn't know it has a broken installer. GRUB can be installed manually once you get a Linux system up and running. I think you're after a BIOS/GPT setup, with an MBR that has some partition marked bootable. Idk if there's a step-by-step walkthrough, and I'm not really going to look for one, but these are the instructions I'd start with:
[url=][/url] I'll check those, thanks.
clarry: It's the hardware, primarily. The problem is that flash can't just write a byte onto the media. Instead, if I change one byte in a file, the flash will have to erase an entire block (multiple kilobytes, or worse..) and then rewrite all of it, with the new changes included. Erasing also tends to be really slow, especially on flash optimized for density. (Of course, writes are also slow on cheap flash, but they're nowhere near as bad as erases). Of course cheap flash doesn't include much cache to speed this up either.
There's a cache on these things? Why would erasing a block be slower than writing data to fill it? Isn't erasing the same as just writing 0 everywhere, and if so then why doesn't it do that instead if it's quicker?
clarry: I suppose a filesystem could be tuned for flash, making sure it uses these multi-kilobyte chunks as the minimum size of allocation. That wastes some space. Unfortunately you'll still need to start erasing, eventually.
Well I guess when I format it I could say to use the smallest block/sector/whatever size available, though I don't remember it giving me the option in the Mint installer or even in GParted. When you say I'll have to erase eventually, what do you mean? Are you referring to the fact that it's "erasing" whenever it writes a file, like you said above, or do you mean because I'll have to manually erase files at some point? That doesn't really worry me, because I plan to install and configure everything how I want and then make it read-only after that, so there won't be any erasing in the long run. I just need it quick enough that I'll be able to set everything up initially.
clarry: It's really hard to say, there are so many possibilities. The first one I'd check though is the size. People can correct me if I'm wrong but I got the impression that Mint is pretty large, whereas I'd imagine Porteus is optimized for size, given its intended use.
Mint, once installed seems to be about 6.5 GB, though the installer is about 1.8 GB. Porteus is only about 300 MB for the installer but I'm not sure of the size after it's installed. In any case, it only took me a few seconds to install Porteus (though I couldn't boot from it, but I'm not sure whether that's because of an error in the installation or just a difficulty booting from USB drives in general), whereas Mint took
hours to install the 6.5 GB, so it's still not a comparably similar speed.
clarry: Different chips, possibly. Just because a stick looks the same doesn't mean the hardware inside is the same. If I had such sticks and wanted to understand the difference, I'd first of all do controlled tests by raw writes into the block device (i.e. dd onto /dev/sda or whatever the device is) and try different block sizes starting at 512 bytes, going up to maybe 32k or even 64k. That would give me an idea about what the hardware is capable of when you take filesystem and other things out of the equation.
Yeah, I guess I could try something like that, but I'll see how the USB 3.0 ones work before I bother with that, since it may become a moot point. I should be able to get 3.0 this afternoon.
clarry: Unlikely. I'd expect disk I/O to be painfully slow, but this shouldn't affect things running from RAM and on the CPU. I suspect you're being slowed down by the vesa framebuffer (that's what you get for graphics if you're not using UEFI and have no other working graphics drivers.. yeah you mentioned xforcevesa).
I don't see how there's any way it could possibly be because of the vesa or anything related to the GeForce. Like I said before, I'm using Linux on my HD right at this very moment, and it's set up with those same parameters, and it runs great! Also, when I had experimentally tried to install Linux on a USB the previous time (which actually
was 3.0 as it turns out), though I was never able to get it to boot properly after the initial time and in exceptional cases (when the GRUB on the HD was corrupted), I had the video drivers and settings the same way then as well, and I wasn't noticing a slow-down at all. So how could that be the cause?
clarry: However disks should show up in dmesg when the kernel probes them. Look for sd (scsi) or hd (ide). If they do not show up, something up the chain is failing. Linux dmesg is rather messy (sigh, why can't they do it like OpenBSD) but you should be able to follow the chain which depends on your hardware. For example (in case of SATA) from pci to ahci to ata to scsi to sd. Let's take a look at the dmesg on my desktop (AMD X370 chipset), I have two sata controllers and two SSDs (cutting some excess fluff):...
Well that makes sense, but I'm not sure I follow the lines that you printed after it. They looked like a bunch of nearly identical lines except for a slightly different number after it said "SATA", and I don't know where you got the idea that 2 and 4 are the primary ones, nor am I entirely sure what you even mean by that in this context (I don't know a whole lot about hardware, to be honest, because I'm a programmer and I deal mostly with pure software).
In any case, when I type dmesg I get a HUGE and incredibly long list of all kinds of different stuff (like maybe over 100 pages!).
clarry: So I have found my disks, and I can also tell that the first one has four partitions (sda1-sda4) and the second one has one partition (sdb1). Those are things I see under /dev, for example /dev/sda is the first drive and /dev/sda1 is its first partition. Assuming it is formatted and Linux knows the filesystem, I should be able to just say mount /dev/sda1 /mnt and it will be mounted under /mnt, or there will be some error that gives me a clue about what's going wrong.
If I remember correctly, I think that when I looked in the dev folder I didn't find any disks, nor when when to the directory represented by the computer icon (I don't think its the root, but something similar - I think they may just call it "~", but I'm not sure). In any case, I doubt it was mounted, because usually it appears on the left side whether it's mounted or not, and then I can mount it if I want, but this time it wasn't even there, so it was missing to an extent even greater than if it was just unmounted.
clarry: What if those dev entries are missing? Then you would need to know a bit about your hardware and follow up the chain in dmesg and see who's the missing link. After that, it's more hardware specific, you need to figure out why the driver isn't probing or attaching (it could be something as simple as a driver missing from the kernel, it could be some kind of error, could be firmware acting up or misconfigured bios (devices disabled?), it could be something that requires an expensive oscilloscope to diagnose!). But knowing which part is the failing link helps one get started looking for a fix.
Well here's what doesn't make sense to me about this theory. First of all, why would something be missing from the kernel if I used the exact same installer that I used every time I've installed Linux before, including the one that I'm using right now, and I don't have a problem at all on this one? And for that matter, how could there be a hardware problem (like with the hard drive, or for that matter, every USB stick that I plug in), for the same reason, considering that all of those things work when I'm booted into Mint on my HD? I'm not trying to argue, but I just want to understand your reasoning because it seems to contradict the evidence, though I may be overlooking some different circumstance or something.
And I don't see how I can possibly get my hands on an oscilloscope, let alone figure out how to use it to do what I need to do here, but I doubt that would be necessary, anyway.
clarry: Ok yeah so I guess you're talking about Mint's broken installer, not GRUB's own installer, right? GRUB's own tools really should do exactly what you tell it to do and not mess with anything else (but of course, as you know, bugs are not unheard of.. just somewhat unlikely in case of GRUB).
Right, I was referring to the fact that every single time I install Mint onto a USB drive, it
always automatically corrupts the GRUB which is already on the HD, and then I have to manually reinstall GRUB directly, in order to fix it. This happens regardless of whether I specify within the installer to place GRUB on the HD or on the USB.
To be continued...