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We want you to make your own concept art for Divinity Original Sin 2's #GOGHero - draw it, photoshop it, finger paint it, whatever you think works best. Give the #GOGHero their look and win gaming goodies. As always, together with Larian Studios - we'll be going over all the entries and looking for fresh ideas to implement into the final character design.

-- Create your own concept art for the #GOGHero - whatever medium you choose, just make sure you can save it as a good quality image.
-- Embed or link your image in the forum comments.
-- Wait impatiently.


The winner will receive a brand-new ROCCAT Kova gaming mouse.

But as always, we also reserve the right to award honorable mentions with game codes and other goodies!


-- One entry per person!
-- Embed or link to your image in the forum comments.
-- Your first entry submitted to the contest counts - make it a good one!
-- Submit your entry before November 7 12:00 AM GMT to be eligible for a win!

Not sure what it's all about?

Have you heard the word?
The word is that we get the chance to work with Larian Studios to design an NPC character in their about-to-win-kickstarter sequel, <span class="bold">Divinity: Original Sin 2</span> - a unique in-game character, the #GOGHero, complete with a backstory and private motivations to intertwine with the players' fates.

Well. YOU get to design them.

Because the more is always the merrier, we're handing the #GOGHero over to you, the gamers, and everyone is welcome to pitch in with their ideas! The entire gaming community is invited to a massive brainstorming session with Larian Studios &, and to submit their own ideas for the upcoming character.

For a touch of authenticity, Larian is providing official guidelines to work with - just like the ones they use during development. Fun, but optional:

--Each character has 3 major traits: Vanity, aggression, pride, self-confidence, racist towards dwarves/elves/humans/orcs/sourcerers...
--1 Quirk or Eccentricity: A predilection for dogs in leather boots, refuses to face north for religious reasons, in denial about his singing.
--One Fear/Loss/Block/Wound: Something traumatic in their background for which they are compensating in some way, or which drives them to do something normal people don't. His wife was killed in a tragic accident and now he's a kamikaze detective with a death wish. His parents were murdered by a criminal so now he's a vigilante crime-fighter. He's terrified of intimacy so treats women terribly. That kind of thing.
--Race: Human, dwarf, elf, lizard, undead.
--Background: Gender, age, job function, loyalties.

Throughout the brainstorm, the team from Larian, including creative director Swen Vincke among others, will be joining in us to browse, weigh in, and search for inspiration! Finally, when the time comes, they'll design three final characters combining the awesomest ideas, complete with official concept art and backstory. Once again, the #GOGHero will be placed in your hands with an official vote to chose the favorite champion from the three proposals. The winning character will go on to become the community-made, full-featured NPC in Divinity 2: Original Sin.
Post edited January 18, 2016 by
Did anyone come up with the name Gogmagog already?
I think its the only option anyways :-)
Rogan Nightwalker
Major Traits:
Relentless, always keeps his promises, has deep knowledge of undead enemies and hunting tactics

Can randomly enter bloodlust state when facing undead enemies

Rogan was a renown undead hunter until he was defeated, captured and turned into the very creature he hunted


Rogan looked to eclipse even the legacy of his undead hunting family, but as he grew in renown he became colder and more vengeful in his quest to slay undead….it is even rumored he found some dark family secret which turned him from righteous paladin into a twisted stalker who actually enjoyed the suffering of his prey. He has recently been turned into an undead himself and while he has so far managed to keep the fact hidden it has made him even more relentless in his quest to slay all undead.
Post edited October 02, 2015 by Dumah
Name: TBD.
Race: TBD.
Gender: TBD.
Role: Divine Magister.

Major Traits: Vanity, Deception, Hates Sourcerers*


NPC is very vain and once purchased a potion that would greatly slow their aging from an ostensive hedge wizard/crone for a nominal price. NPC didn't expect the potion to work, but it did work for a couple years. NPC then becomes obsessed with acquiring more of these potions. The hedge wizard/crone is, of course, truly a Sourcerer and a disguised agent for [Insert appropriate Antagonist Group here]. Over the last decade (or two) they have made increasingly subversive demands of NPC to infiltrate the Church (and/or whatever Protagonist faction).

To help conceal the true nature of the "blessing," NPC had a magic hairbrush created that hums while being used. NPC has always claimed that this enchanted hairbrush was the reason for their "eternal spring," since the hairbrush gives off an aura of enchantment but is not touched by the source.

Initial Interaction:

One of NPCs rivals has stolen the hairbrush. NPC gives a quest to the heroes to recover it before their secret is exposed.

Going forward:

Sufficiently high Lore skill might lead to skepticism of the power of the recovered hairbrush.

Otherwise, if the heroes successfully complete the quest, NPC will be cooperative towards them. Even better if they are a significant boon in some way.

Later on, heroes will discover evidence that NPC has been involved in bad things happening to Protagonist faction.

Potential outcomes:

If Heroes pursue diplomacy and have high social traits, NPC repents and attempts to redeem themselves. (Providing crucial information, epic self-sacrifice, becoming a potential follower, etc.)

If Heroes are aggressive or lack social traits, violent confrontation with decent loot--and an enchanted hairbrush, natch.
Name: Sabata

Major Traits: Egotistical, Machiavellian, Obsessive.

Quirk or Eccentricity: Near-psychotic hatred for a certain time-jumping and all-knowing Imp.

One Fear/Loss/Block/Wound: Lost a MAJOR job opportunity to an IMP that just happened to have a dream the previous night. Said IMP followed that dream and bested Sabata. Sabata considered it cheating (even though it's not) and has been PISSED ever since.

Race: Human

Background: Male. Older than Sigurd the First's empire (born in approximately 10,000 AR 'Anno Rivellonis' or created out of nothingness). Since his teenage years, Sabata has been serving the Seven Gods as their retainer. While the Seven are busy with their own personal affairs, Sabata is always watching the events on Rivellon with an obsessive interest. When the Seven aren't busy, Sabata is busy carrying out their wishes, scrubbing their feet, scratching their backs, purchasing their food (the gods are fickle creatures that want people to do stuff for them), etc. Sabata ended up in this position after losing a rock, paper, scissors debate with ZixZax. He also has a head full of royal purple hair.

Has an wonderful friendship with Maxos and tends to hang around the goddesses, Xantezza and Amadia. Will lay the smackdown on Bellegar if said wizard happens to be rude enough. Though his loyalties rest with the Seven, he tends to do things his own way, even though he knows he's going to be reprimanded. (He's the badass Rivellonian version of the Greek Hestia. She was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea.) Currently located in the Hall of Echoes, tending to the avatars of the Seven. Loves mouthing off to anyone and everyone.

Finally, being the Seven's retainer, Sabata picked up all sorts of skills and abilities. Will willingly fight/train the protagonists for a single bracelet that protects against all status changes. It's a knock down, drag out fight with no permanent repercussions. Sabata CAN, WILL, and SHALL MESS YOU UP! If he loses, then his pride takes another hit, on top of the hit from that IMP all those thousands of years ago.
Post edited October 02, 2015 by mike_coolus
I appreciate that this is presented as a brainstorming "toss in ideas and we'll make something from them" rather than a submissions contest... More power to the professional writers that way.

How open is the scope here? A companion character? Just kind of anything?

People have mentioned that "you should just put in Ciri, running from the wild hunt!"
Personally, i would be okay with adding "essentially Ciri" as a companion, by why shoehorn the wild hunt when DOS2 already has a powerful organization hunting down wielders of a special power? This would make her a natural fit as a companion character. It would of course be obtuse to blatantly import a character, but someone "clearly based on" Ciri *would* be kickass - I'm sure they've thought of it, but as they've turned the brainstorm over to us, we respond "No, really, do that." Because everyone could use a little more Ciri in their lives.

Anyway, I thought of something that probably doesn't fit as "The GoG Character," but here it is:
Gimmick of the concept: An aerothurge who transforms into a crow.
Name: Something appropriate
Race: Probably human. Some of the time.
Traits: Haughty, Selfish, Snarky, Untrusting, Clever
Quirk: Likes being a crow
Block: Raised by her Sourcerer mentor, who made a point to instill her with a self-serving, trust no-one attitude.
Background: A female treasure hunter (or something) wizard and Sourcerer (or not). Particularly gifted with shapeshifting and aeromancy, preferring to take the form of a crow. The idea was inspired by our favorite jovial cat-wizard... But as a haughty antagonist instead.
Could be a thorn in the players side who can be recruited as a companion with the right characters and dialogue choices, but usually wouldn't be. Could first appear to snatch a prize - such as at the end of a dungeon - from the player's clutches. Perhaps if said prize was a plot item, the players could have to track her down - but a crow is not so easy to catch, especially one with storm powers.


Some other silly ideas
) "Jolly" Roger, the jovial undead pirate captain.
) Terra, a wolf who learned to shapeshift into a human, and is fascinated by civilized culture.
) Aristotle, the dragon wizard whose hoard is "knowledge" - physical books and countless accumulated secrets. Now, I don't know much about dragons in Rivellon, having only played DOS and waiting to go through all of it for the EE, so maybe this doesn't work... But he was a favorite NPC of mine as a DM. To further that, part of the idea was also that he had most of the books organized into a library, and so long as you took nothing, it was open to the public. If the players got enough clout to actually meet with him, he could be a vendor of very, very rare skillbooks and things... But he would only trade them for other books or documents.
My first idea that I think fit exelently as a gog-hero, and that also might give some gameplay oportunities:

An old powerfull conjurer traveling the world for inspiration. He is willing to buy a selected few types of "wierd" items from the player - Things he find amusing. When sold to him he can use some long lost art to conjure copies of that item that he is willing to sell back (often slighly improved compared to the original). He is very aware that his Magics in the wrong hand could break the entire economy. He is also quite fond of the real mundane craftmanship, and longs back to the days he could swing a propper smith's hammer. This makes him emphatise strongly with the younger real craftsmenn, and he would never do anything to harm their trade. Hence he guards the secrets of conjuration closely; bordering to the paranoid.
Post edited October 02, 2015 by enrahim
Name: Ross "Rose" Higgins
Human male, 39 years old... or something

Traits: hearing impairment, illiterate, paranoid

Eccentricity: he wears a hat, tupe or a cat - depending on what's available, even while sleeping

Fear: his afraid someone will know he's bald. never admits to being illiterate or not hearing very well, to a point he can start a fight over misunderstanding. and magic. yes. he's terrified of magic. mortally.

Background: unsuccessful unicorn slayer (travelling salesman part-time), reasonably religious, his personal hero was his mom (who made the best haggis ever and could top a 100year old tree just by looking at it very strictly). his interest in members of opposite sex is purely professional (asking about private matters doesn't help his... charm?)
Name: Fredrik Ohpenlaus

Race: Human Undead

Traits: narcissistic, kind, racist towards dwarfs(but as stated below he thinks every one is an elf so...)

Quirk: Thinks everyone is an "elfin maiden" probably because his eyes have rotted away

Fear: Afraid of spiders might have something to do with how he died

Background: Male, died around age 40, was once a proud knight of Rivellon under Emperor Sigurd?(he cant remember)
till a "fair elfin lass" asked him to prove her love for him by braving the night in the lair of some giant
spiders where he was promptly eaten (or was he? either way he ended up dead and with a phobia of
spiders to boot) he woke up sometime in the past 100 years and has been trying ever since to find his "fair
elfin lass" that he might woo her once again.
Name: Metzli
Race: Lizard
Gender: Female
Age: 70
Job Function: Executioner.

Background: Metzli has been alive a long time. Since her thirties, she has served the army loyally, working under generals and leading successful raids against human and dwarven encampments and fortresses, laying waste and enslaving those few that survived her assaults, quickly putting them to work, forced to carry her armies equipments until the ground took them back and recyled their souls and bodies.

As she aged, however, she found employment scarce and fewer opportunities to set human and dwarven towns ablaze. Instead, she found another source of employment -- as the offical Executioner. Since her appointment, many have fallen under her axe's blade. Even in her 70s, Metzli continues to thrive as a ruthless executioner. Whether peasant or nobleman, there are none to find mercy from her or her axe whether you are a peasant or royalty.

Her loyalties, as always, remain forever with the army. She sees the Sourcerer's as a threat that must be extinquished at once, though should you cross her or attempt to weaken her homeland or her people in anyway you may find her axe pointed at you. Do not underestimate her simply due to her age, either. Metzli remains as strong as she was when she led soldiers and fought against mighty dwarven and human armies.

Major Traits: Natural Leader, Racist against Dwarves, Humans and Sourcerers, Aggressive.
Quirk: Connoseuir of toys, especially ancient horses. Literally cannot stop collecting them.
Fear/Quirk/Loss/Wound: Her grandchildren saw what Sourcery was capable of first hand and, instead of turning from its influence, embraced the opportunity, each seeking out ways to harness and control it for their own ends and means. She sees them and by extension all Sourcerer's as overcome with desire for easy power and an easy life.

Before killing every Sourcerer she meets, Metzli likes to have a little fun with them, first. Prolongs their suffering and torment just a little longer. It's worse if she catches you and captures you, then you will beg for her axe's blade.
Post edited October 02, 2015 by Makarta
Name: Doctor Windell Gee Unit.

--3 major traits: Racist towards "white" people or any of the "bwahjizz", vain and proud of himself for no specific reason.

--1 Quirk or Eccentricity: Favorite preferred weapon-- A magic broken glass bottle of unsurpassed durability.

--One Fear/Loss/Block/Wound: Rotten guts spilling out of his stomache area.

--Race: Undead.

--Background: He's a hobo, undead hobo, too proud to beg for nuthin'. Not really a doctor.
Name: Ritz
Race: Undead Skeleton
Gender : Male
Age : ??
Job : Pirate
Loyalties : Women he likes.

Special Ability: Has special magic field that acts exactly like his regular body when he was human and a magic penis that he can make appear or disappear to go along with it. Though undead he will never give up his love for womankind.

Quirk: Has talking floating sword that fights with him named Chad. Chad is kind of stupid and really bad at fighting and this always gets Ritz into trouble, with hilarious backtalk between the two.

Major traits: Overconfident and full of shit, will constantly make stuff up to make himself look good. Constantly trying to dig into others and make them laugh. Loves doing stand up. Total womanizer, he will do anything and get this.. he's good at it! He will do anything to get some action.

Would/Loss : Ritz overwhelming overconfidence as a member of the undead is him compensating for his life having died a virgin on the high seas as a pirate. Ritz became a pirate as the result of a poor abusive upbringing, ritz might want to bone any woman in sight, but deep down he wants someone to love him.


Ritz became a pirate as the result of a poor abusive upbringing. He resolved to set out on adventure to start a new life and overcome the trauma he experienced as a kid and once that was over settle down. Unfortunately he died before that could happen. How he became undead he's not certain there's a memory gap, other then that he remembers everything about his past life.
Name: Old King Raigo
Race: Ratman / Human
Gender: Male / Age: 235 / Loyalty: Purely Selfish

Major traits: Greedy/Selfish, Cowardly, Curious

Quirk or Eccentricity: Hates cheese. Do not offer King Raigo cheese. Its a bad idea. Probably.
He would much rather steal it from you and eat it in secret.

Traumatic Event: Due to his greed Raigo once betrayed a powerful wizard. The wizard became furious and cursed him, transforming his body into that of a Ratman. To this day Raigo is terrified of all magics, and incredibly distrustful of any and all Magic users.

Background: While Raigo called himself a king, he was actually something of a Mayor. The curse on his body has extended his life, and the village he ruled over might not even exist any more. He mostly wanders around slums stealing worthless trinkets, or fencing stolen goods.
Post edited October 03, 2015 by omndra
I am not good enough in english so I rated + on IamSinistar proposal...

The character should be like a Cassandra, she knows freedom is the key but no one / few believes her.
I like the idea of another post about a God needing believers.

That's GoG, she knows one of the real truths but few knows she is right...

Honestly, I like the idea of the "Guardian of Game"

Well. It sounds silly. But it still got me thinking.

What if that should be the character? More or less. A gamer. A gambler. I'm thinking Gambit. I'm thinking a character that greatly values both games and the act of gaming/playing, as well as (unconnected to that idea) freedom as a principle.

Three major traits? Do they have to be personal traits or general character traits? Either way, I'm thinking Lawful Good. Ordered. Not the anarchic or care-free silly jester archetype. I'm thinking Indomitable. Strong. Cannot be bribed or dissuaded. But not stern. Not a judging paladin out to get you. Just firm in belief. Thirdly, freedomish. Yes, I made up a word, sue me. Values freedom and people's right to their own things, whether it's a purchase or just a choice to be made. Loathes monopolies.

A quirk or eccentricity? Slow. Ponderous. Has a tendency to appear stoic or laconic. Never shows up on time, not for lack of trying, but merely because that's how he is. Relabels things for no reason other than to confuse others. That's two quirks, I guess, but whatever. If he was, I dunno, the kind of person to release patches, they'd come a bit late and be assigned a strange number that has no relation to software version. :P

A fear, loss, block or wound? Fears abandonment. Tries harder. His sometimes apparent stoicism betrayed, he actually tries very hard to please and connect to his peers. This never compromises his major traits, which sometimes leads to some awkward moments where he's pulled between pleasing and compromising, but he's still uncompromising because he thinks that'll actually see his peers or friends to the better end when push comes to shove.

Race? Human, obviously. Dwarves have never looked good while throwing cards around. Didn't I mention that? He throws playing cards around. Or loaded dice. Literally loaded dies could be cool. Let's make it loaded dice.

Background: Male (could be Female), 37 years old sounds about right. Probably has a beard, but not the hipster kind that you'd expect from a Gambit ripoff. Was a successful engineer before things went wrong. Rogueish, but not thief-ish, fighterish but not tank-ish, priestly but not a preachy.

Loyalties? To the customer, of course.
Luckmann: Loyalties? To the customer, of course.
It would be pretty funny if the GOG hero would be a shopkeeper.