Trid: It's not about disagree or not (you obviously don't have much experience in D3. I on other hand have to much of bad memories with that game [I'm not saying I'm expert or something, I just put in that thing at least 1000h from the premiere till the Necro release], shattered dreams and hopes of what that game could be, so we both are biased different way). I just don't see the point to explaining it anymore as you never experienced things that I did and without it it seems hard to understand why it feels so bad in the late game.
Fair enough, but there is one point: Learning more about others on the forums and things we share interest(good or bad) in. :)
As for it being bad in late game....again, for those that only play once through it isn't so was that that I was basing it on, as I am guessing many casuals don't even bother playing through the same character a few more times(eve n if that can be fun) fair enough your point stands if you ply your way, but if you play mine then my point stands....we both "win". XD
Trid: I also don't say that the game itself is terrible garbage, when the things worked the killing monster was fun - and that's what any H&S should be about, killing monsters and getting better lot. But original D3 failed at itemization and the RoS went in wrong direction, especially with set items, and it was all because of bad core mechanics, infinite scaling stats, and stupid design decision like reuse of hp pots... if it was at least 4 hp pots but no... it was whole one. Honestly, D3 was wasted potential and when I see same thing (well, here the reuse is shorter) in D4 I'm getting worried.
Eh, other elements(imo) more than made up for that, although yes it does have flaws.
Also don't some bosses have 2 health pots?