paladin181: Because people are mindless sheep with no sense of conviction. They will forgive and forget any atrocity as long as they get their new shiny entertainment. It's the goal of those in power to have us distracted from their atrocities by our entertainment. It apparently works. Fuck this society.
GameRager: It's human nature and people like having fun....I cannot fault them for it, especially with the alternative(depression/etc) being so undesirable. Besides, why go after the stuff that distracts us from bad things and not the bad things themselves?
i.e. don't bother fighting the game company that supports such things, but find ways to stop those bad things instead.
But the way to stop those things would potentially involve not supporting companies that support those bad things, right?
Either way, I think the Internet has made us a little too aware of all the problems in the world. Personally, I keep trying to convince myself to only focus on the problems around me, as those are the only problems I could potentially solve. I would also rather ignore world news, as those just make me feel bad about problems that I can't solve from inside my house or workplace.
Simply NOT buying a game from a company that supports a tyrannical regime is something I CAN do, so that fits the bill.