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skeletonbow: The original C&C from the Ten Year collection or older wont run properly on XP or newer out of the box due to a game breaking bug in one level which triggers a general protection fault. The game works in DOS only because there's no protection in DOS. :)

To run the game properly and be able to finish it on XP or newer you need to install a community/fan made patch that fixes this and other bugs in the game, adds widescreen and high resolution support and other things. I've tested it in Windows 7 x64 before and it worked but I never played all through the whole game so not sure if there are any problems. The glitch occurs when running the game under any protected mode operating system due to it dereferencing memory outside of it's range (Win XP and newer, Linux, etc.)

In order for GOG to responsibly offer the game here though they'd have to apply the community patch or make their own hack to fix game breaking bugs. The nature of the specific bug in question is one that is a guaranteed trigger when someone gets to the level it happens on too, and not a random chance thing. :)
But yes, of course, i had the 1.03 community patch revision 4. It even removed DRM, restored bugged music, added multiplayer maps (i think?), etc. But here, win 7 64 b, community patch did nothing. All titles are glitched and bugged for me, especially graphics concerning.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: B-but! I have the Ten Year collection too! But it doesn't run, from properly to altogether, in my windows 7 64 bit. Last time it worked as it should, had been in XP. I myself would pay even the same sum for the retail DVD (35 euros), if i could enjoy those masterpieces DRM-FREE from GOG, and tweaked to run normally in all new systems. EA not only a beach, but lazy too. Had gog had those titles in the first place, they wouldn't abandon them to rot in digital hell!
Agreed. I only have the first decade collection + separate Tiberium Wars + addon but still they don't run anymore. Definitely would be prepared to pay more for C&C then anything else here. You just can't find something similar elsewhere (ok maybe Act of Aggression next month). Afterall those games and other Westwood rts games (Dune 2000, Emperor: Battle for Dune) were what defined my early gaming period in the 90s (there was also Drmzzard with SC + WC).
Post edited August 27, 2015 by Matruchus
themortal: is it me, or are the doom games a bit too expensive ?
i mean , every respected old gamer must have these games by now, and this is kinda steep price for those who haven't a chance to play this game.

if i didn't know this game in these times, i won't bother with a crappy looking game at this price
(ok, it's not crappy, it's excellent game design and texture and sprites, but for youngster, compared to nowadays game, this is crap)
The gaming industry knows that people will only pay a certain price for any particular game, and they also know that a game that sells for $5 as the regular price and never goes on sale will probably sell less copies than a game priced $20 which goes on sale for $5 several times of year due to the whimsical nature of human beings during sales promotions. It's marketing 101 type stuff and game companies are in the business to make money and to one extent or another maximize profit. They all have their own strategies but this one is definitely quite common.

Doesn't matter how old a game is or how crappy the graphics are. It's all supply and demand, and such games have practically zero or close to zero ongoing maintenance costs, so they can basically charge anything for them and it's almost all pure profit whether they sell 10 copies or 10000 copies.

The take home though is: Inflated regular prices lead to higher sales on promotions and higher overall profitability, as does avoiding deep discounting. That's why all of the id Software games no matter how old they are rarely go below $5 on sale on Steam etc. and almost never go below $3.75 or so. In the end, someone either wants the game for their own reasons greater than they want the amount of money to stay in their wallet that the asking price is, or they want the money more than the game. The games are long since paid for and just pure profit by now so there's no real incentive as I see it to lower the regular price like some game studio would have to do for a brand new game that came out a year ago and sales have plummeted and they need to stimulate sales to keep the flow coming in and get a return on the investment.

A lot of companies have settled on the "we price our games no lower than $20 regular, $5ish on sale" bandwagon.
Matruchus: Definitely would be prepared to pay more for C&C then anything else here.
Sniff, sob, about games like the C&C series, it is a CRIME that they don't allow GoG to distribute them. Since the owners don't give a sh*t about tweaking and making compatible with new systems. A *crime*!!!
Matruchus: Definitely would be prepared to pay more for C&C then anything else here.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Sniff, sob, about games like the C&C series, it is a CRIME that they don't allow GoG to distribute them. Since the owners don't give a sh*t about tweaking and making compatible with new systems. A *crime*!!!
Ghostbreed: SHAKE IT BABY!
Yes, master!
Emob78: Get the brutal doom mod. You'll be glad you did. It is amazing.
+1. I'm usually a purist when it comes to games like these, but I found Brutal Doom to be the best all-around mod I've seen for Doom. I've actually wanted to know if there's a similar style mod for Quake, which offers gameplay improvements, graphical tweaks and extra features.
timppu: Nice to those who haven't played the Doom 1-2 games yet, I guess. :) I already played them to death in the 90s, and frankly I feel they haven't aged that well as games...
They run pretty well, especially with improved third party engines. I generally like Doomsday Engine. is also pretty nice. [url=]Chocolate Doom is more of a vanilla experience, although it uses modern cross-platform technologies.

The thing I don't like about Doomsday is an additional menu UI you can't avoid. Although it doesn't bothers you while playing (it hides). Zdoom has a much simpler interface. To me that's kind of better. But Doomsday is pretty nice and has a lot of options. Chocolate Doom is better than using Dosbox for a classic Doom experience.

Although I haven't played Doom at the time. I discovered it via demo in the late 90s when I got my first PC strong enough to run games, but I spent much more time on Quake. Never really got into it until a several years ago. Nowadays I really enjoy it from time to time.
Emob78: Get the brutal doom mod. You'll be glad you did. It is amazing.
rampancy: +1. I'm usually a purist when it comes to games like these, but I found Brutal Doom to be the best all-around mod I've seen for Doom. I've actually wanted to know if there's a similar style mod for Quake, which offers gameplay improvements, graphical tweaks and extra features.
I'm glad we agree. Apparently, we're in a very small minority. The hipster 'gotta play it old school' puritanism with Doom is kinda silly to me. Brutal Doom takes a great game and puts a rocket launcher and jetpack on it. It's just pure adrenaline fun. Nothing wrong at all with vanilla Doom, but for a ramped up experience of fuego gaming, it's quite an achievement.
rampancy: +1. I'm usually a purist when it comes to games like these, but I found Brutal Doom to be the best all-around mod I've seen for Doom. I've actually wanted to know if there's a similar style mod for Quake, which offers gameplay improvements, graphical tweaks and extra features.
Emob78: I'm glad we agree. Apparently, we're in a very small minority. The hipster 'gotta play it old school' puritanism with Doom is kinda silly to me. Brutal Doom takes a great game and puts a rocket launcher and jetpack on it. It's just pure adrenaline fun. Nothing wrong at all with vanilla Doom, but for a ramped up experience of fuego gaming, it's quite an achievement.
Fuck the puritans.

We'd never have any mods if that was the prevailing attitude.

Besides how could you naynay a game that has the dukeboot and doom chainsaw?
Emob78: I'm glad we agree. Apparently, we're in a very small minority. The hipster 'gotta play it old school' puritanism with Doom is kinda silly to me. Brutal Doom takes a great game and puts a rocket launcher and jetpack on it. It's just pure adrenaline fun. Nothing wrong at all with vanilla Doom, but for a ramped up experience of fuego gaming, it's quite an achievement.
ScotchMonkey: Fuck the puritans.

We'd never have any mods if that was the prevailing attitude.

Besides how could you naynay a game that has the dukeboot and doom chainsaw?
And don't forget the Duke Nuke 'em middle finger. Brutal Doom is what Duke Nuke 'Em Forever should have been.
Emob78: Brutal Doom is what Duke Nukem Forever should have been.
Post edited August 28, 2015 by Ghostbreed
Emob78: Brutal Doom is what Duke Nukem Forever should have been.
Ghostbreed: LOL
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Sniff, sob, about games like the C&C series, it is a CRIME that they don't allow GoG to distribute them. Since the owners don't give a sh*t about tweaking and making compatible with new systems. A *crime*!!!
Well, there is a number of sourceports which work fairly fine for the older (and most troublesome) ones. Can't remember the names tough :/
rampancy: +1. I'm usually a purist when it comes to games like these, but I found Brutal Doom to be the best all-around mod I've seen for Doom. I've actually wanted to know if there's a similar style mod for Quake, which offers gameplay improvements, graphical tweaks and extra features.
There seems to be a WIP, on DOOM's engine tough. Not exactly what you want, but worth a look IMO.
Oh my fucking god, I MUST try this. Thanks for the link mate!
Post edited August 28, 2015 by javihyuga