seaspanky: Steam stopped flash sales because they stopped fighting EU regulations. They imposed a crap automatic refunds standard for ALL regions which meant that flash sales HAD to be removed, because everyone would just return games that went on flash sale later, meaning potential tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of returns for games on normal sale reductions that had a flash sale. Flash sales meant better deals for those who bothered to check the site. You don't like checking the site more than once, you just want to check one, never again during the promotion, and have everything fit your interest. Millions of other consumers would like a return to flash sales because we were able to maximize the purchase power of our money by getting FAR better flash deals than are ever offered normally. To say that the normal average percentage discount has IMPROVED or remained the same for Steam sales is a statement of complete ignorance or an outright lie.
That you actually state that you ignore the ENTIRE sales where flash sales are used is just laughable and is in no way representative of normal consumers and their interests. That you find flash sales unethical is again, just laughable. Most sales promotions are done with the outright aim of inducing consumer interests in what is being offered. Retailers have ZERO ethical or legal requirements regarding your kind of desired restraints on everyday normal sales promotions and pitches. Every single time a corner shop displays a sales promotion or a store wide sales with 2 for 1 specials, by your standard, those would be UNETHICAL because they are intended to grab the interest of the consumer and induce a hasty decision... hahah. Just laughable.
If you bothered to quote my entire post, you would find your points already covered.
UhuruNUru: No need I'm not stopping buying GOG games, and already have over 300 games from GOG.
After an initial sales splurge, most of them were bought when the games first arrive on GOG, not in sales.
It's rare for there to be any game I'd actually want, in a sale, so I'll only give it a look once per sale.
If GOG's hiding deals behind time limits, they and the devs will lose my potential purchases.
Steam only stopped using Flash sales after they offered automatic refunds, that's not a coincidence.
Flash sales are unethical, and intended to spur consumers into hasty decisions.
My hasty decision is to ignore the entire sales where they are used.
Much as I like GOG's Offline installers, I'll still call them out when I think they are being anti-consumer.
I know I've discussed the Pinata Lottery bullshit before, in sales threads, and if the Forum would show me all "My Posts", instead of just the last 7 days, I'd show them, but here's a few threads that had "Pinata" in the title
Sad to See GOG stoop to Gambling aka Pinatas, page 1 - Forum - Pinatas suck, page 1 - Forum - Concerning GOGs Pinata Madness and the nature of gambling, page 1 - Forum - As for Steam, as posted in above reply, they had only a financial incentive to stop using Flash sales, and I buy all games I own on Steam, on GOG the day they are released here, and unless they have Workshop mods, remove them from my Steam Account for good. I detest the Workshop, but you must own the game on Steam to even download the mods.
Steam is a cess pit, but it has no flash sales, even if the reason why is loss of profit, the results the same.
Steam has stopped Flash Sales, and that's all I said, I never said they wanted to stop, just it was no longer profitable.
I'll ignore the entire sale, in protest at the flash sales, to make my point.
Having already bought every single game I actually want, it's very unlikely I'd buy anything in the sale,
I think I've got one, or two game in a sale, over last couple of years
Unless I miss a particular release, I usually have already bought what I want long before the sale.
I only look at the sales once, these days.