NotFrenchYet: - for the voting, do they need to officially state "vote abc" or do they just argue until they come to a consensus?
That's not really necessary, and would probably be too bothersome. Usually they reach a consensus rather quickly anyway. You might want to do an official-ish votecount if the debate starts stalling, though.
NotFrenchYet: - is it usual to roleclaim at L-1 in the party version?
It's been ages since I've played it, but I don't think so. After all, the roles in the meatworld version are much simpler, so there isn't really much to claim; only doctors or cops would benefit from that, and they would probably do so anyway.
NotFrenchYet: - is there anything else I should be aware of?
That the RL game is surprisingly different from the online version. Much faster and much less logical.