bjgamer: Edit: I am sad to say B passed on tonight. Our last gaming experience together was the Mafia game. He greatly enjoyed trying his hand at figuring it out with you all. My deepest gratitude for that, and for the memory of him participating with you.
I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say other than that my heart hurts for your loss. I didn't know him very well at all, but I respected him (and you, of course). I have greatly enjoyed the analysis that the two of you have provided in the past, and am grateful to have known him as well as I did. I'm glad we could spend some time with him. Thank you for letting us know in the midst of your own grief. Please know that you have friends here, and please get healthy soon.
If you
ever feel up to playing again, as a distraction, as a way of grieving, for enjoyment, or whatever, please know that you are welcome. If you ever need to talk, we can listen.