chierules: Never heard about Victor Vran, I just added it to my wishlist.
Victor Vran is superficially similar to Diablo-style games but also a bit different in that it is level-based (levels as in closed areas opposed to an open world, not character levels). It's also a bit more arcade-y, has challenges and a jump button, and the strength of your character is mostly in the equipment, not built-up stats. Quite fun game though.
Divine Divinity is actually a nice mixture of Diablo-style gameplay and Baldur's-Gate-like story-telling and world-building (though dialogues are a bit more silly).
Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 have fully turn-based combat, not real time action like Diablo and neither real time with pause like Baldur's Gate. If that doesn't really matter to you though and you are fine with story and dialogues that are a bit wordy and tongue-in-cheek, I would definitely recommend these. They are fantastic RPGs.
Pathfinder Kingmaker is said to be really hard and unforgiving, if you're not familiar with the underlying pen and paper rules, also a bit buggy, but I haven't played it myself yet.
Blackguards is more of a tactical turn-based game with limited choices from what I've seen, not very similar to the games you like, but also fantasy with combat if that's enough for you.