my name is vaughlte catte: ...
ZFR: @catte
Just thought of something. Since you're Loud, catte, you can prover yourself by failing purposely. That way we know you couldn't do the kill. Or doin another action that can be confirmed by the recipient, if you think of any.
This way, either 4 scum or you not scum.
I can't fail purposefully, but I do have a wide array of actions available to me. I've already confirmed my role in as much as btg saw my failure, so it's pretty much a given that I'm a crazy inventor. But yes, if there's a nightkill and I can prove I didn't do it that'll at least count for something.
JoeSapphire: Catte says he's got a plan. I'm looking forward to whatever it is
It's nothing terribly elaborate, don't get excited.
ZFR: Invent something that has low chance of succeeding. Lift gave the odds at one time.
Invent being an Innocent Child.
Actually, the only real odds I have are that Tracking/Watching have a 50% success rate. I can use any "normal" action from the wiki and I can ask Lift if they're more or less likely to succeed than the 50% baseline but he won't tell me the actual odds.
Innocent Child is one of the first things I asked. I can invent machines that perform actions, if I watch someone I don't become a watcher. Innocent Child is a role with no actions, so there's nothing for me to copy. I have other options.
JoeSapphire: I'M GLAD YOU ASKED!
the requires a Telepath in order for trentonlf to have communicated the message to Catte.
As we know Catte is a Crazy Inventor, and not a Telepath, then there must be a fourth person if Catte had received the message.
Hah, good point.
ZFR: However, can't Mafia have Day Chat without Telepath? All we know about Telepath is that if he exists, Mafia have Day Chat that stops when he dies. But there is no guarantee in the role list that Mafia can't have a regular Day Chat if Telepath doesn't exist.
That seems to be the implication to me. If the mafia were going to have daychat no matter what, then the presence of a telepath is a nerf. To me, the inclusion of a telepath as a possible role implies a default state of no day-chat. But but since you already suspect me I don't imagine you'd give my opinion much weight.
ZFR: OK, question for you (and other Townies can give their input too): before my trap sprung, if someone asked you: "Hey, without looking, can you tell whom ZFR investigated?" would you have said it's trent or flub?
I think the trap would have made a bit more sense if you didn't mention flub and just said you investigated trent. If someone had mentioned you investigating flub then you would have known for sure they'd fallen for your trap because there's nowhere else it could have come from.
As it is you mentioned both of them together in a very short paragraph where you think one might be the luncher and the other might be the target. The result is that there's a mention of flub there for someone to be able to misremember and the thing you said you did wasn't as sensible as the thing you actually did. You effectively seeded your real action in my mind by the fact that all the pieces were there and it was the more sensible thing to do given your suspicions. But whatever, I'm already ready to waste a night's action on proving myself.