Posted November 17, 2016

In the past i didn't understand his political views, why he distinguishes one nationality among others. Thought he is a nationalist. But now i do.

Here are the latest news down the grapevine:
Those people are threats to the free world, to democracy, to nations, to people. They are part of the REAL NWO conspiratorial body and now, verified even, too (secret meetings, plots for action against democratically elected politician, shady operations that endanger law and order in sovereign nation, etc).
Maybe you can lend a hand to americans in their time of need, just like then with those revealing e-mails. Some people, even with all evidence before their eyes, still live in a parallel-universe or something.
Also, even if Obama is stepping down, he visits Brussels as we speak, so as to renew the lingering international measures against Russia, both for Ukraine and Syria crisis and is even seeking them amplified; degenerate warmonger elitist supremacist that he is on his orders and on a leash from his shady paymasters (since Sorros paid 300+ millions for Hilary campaign alone and Obama was publicly supporting her all this time, the equation is simple, really). Thankfully, all goes well and Donald calls back, or at least minimizes, those wrongful measures burdening you unjustly. Yellow European press even talks crap like Obama giving to Merkel the reigns of the "free world". Goebbels would be so proud of them! Propaganda level: "European press"!
So it is a balance. Of having enough independent monitors of power (or the level of nutrition, or health of environment or whatever) and not being complete slaves to them, like opening up the country fully to be exploited with free trade agreements and foreign contracts.
But your stance of such organizations being only bad for a country is honestly quite stupid. You know which other country has completely ''de-globalized''? North Korea, where we don't even know the state people are in beyond occasional reports from journalists because they don't allow external monitors to come in and investigate.