BitMaster_1980: As always, you are free to do what you like, regardless of what I say. My personal opinion has swung back to "don't give a damn" since my delayed dinner has finally happened.
B1tF1ghter: It's good that we cleared up that you revert to not carrying about how you treat strangers when food shows up near you.
BitMaster_1980: So we can agree on the fact that GOG is not actively pumping any of their data into third parties?
B1tF1ghter: No. We do not.
1.What I noted were only examples based on very casual few minutes research (I am quite sure I barely scratched the surface), NOT fundamental deep analysis
2.If you are so interested you should really read Privacy Policy of GOG's. Many things written there openly oppose what you think you know.
BitMaster_1980: I was hoping for some big Epic-reveal like hinted above by someone.
B1tF1ghter: The thing is what GOG does really is guerilla tactics just like Epic's.
The "free is not actually free, you are just paying with your private data instead of money" ordeal that majority ignores based on being in denial.
BitMaster_1980: The IP is dynamic though and getting more information from the ISP is legally not too easy
B1tF1ghter: Here is your problem, you assume the company that apparently cannot be bothered to put one line of "IN ORDER TO get the game you have to agree to marketing subscription" IN THEIR FORUM ANNOUNCEMENT to comply with legal requirements of their country of operation is going to even care if they have pushed beyond what's legal at all.
BitMaster_1980: That said, I just did a quick inventory of what data of mine GOG could transfer to other people. There is my order history and my email. There is how often I downloaded what I bought.
B1tF1ghter: No matter how you look at it it's a pretty solid basis for profiling.
Since GOG shares at least some of data with 3rd parties this can be used to baseline or enrich 3rd party data on you, can be used in bespoke advertising campaigns for years to come, and there is potentially no saying where your data may actually end up being copied to throughout the years.
Maybe specificly you do not care, but you cannot say this is not an issue just because YOU don't care.
Also, I don't know how about you but personally I don't wish to share my email address with just about anybody or any corporate entity as that is STILL a private bit of information that can be used for whole plethora of purposes, and if the 3rd parties GOG may share it with would ever get a leak then there is no telling where and IF misuse of your address would end.
Perhaps you have never been flooded with spam. Perhaps you don't mind filtering out phishing.
But the problem is very much real regardless of your denial or acceptance of it.
Sorry to meddle in this interesting battle but, could you give this dummy (me) a short explanation about how that data collection works? I mean, GOG already has our emails and we can select what sales marketing we are sent in our profile options.
Thanks in advance.
PD: Ok, GOG forum working nicely. Last two lines and 3 words (prior to this one) are written by me: Arrua user.