First impressions on HATRED
" POSTAL 1 REMASTERED" nuff said
We should remember that POSTAL 1 had nothing about sarcastic humor, and texts between levels were only representing a mad and evil guy, that hates the world, listening to voices, pure psychopath. POSTAL 2 bring humor to disguise it's dark origins, something that was good, as made the game definitively funnier than the first chapter, IMHO Postal 1 is one of the most overrated games ever, it was and is a BAD game beyond any polemic.
Beyond morbid topics, the gameplay of HATRED is as POSTAL, repetitive, dull, and boring. Technically looks good, but I played it on my laptop, and for the graphics that portrays is really bad optimized, not even lowering the settings to low get much better framerate. I could say much more, but there is not much more to tell, mechanics are EXACTLY as POSTAL, with better, but similar controls. Killings are not really realistic or morbid, and MANHUNT was much violent on the "executions". Shootings in black & white are far "softer" than Carmageddon massive ran overs, or the colorful burning ragdolls on POSTAL2.
Probably I were never bought it if it were not be because I do not like people with big problems and issues to difference between REALITY vs movies and video games. This was really the main reason that awake my interest on the game, the same way I seen movies like IRREVERSIBLE.
And again the "Scandal" pushed more sales than repulsion, the game is on top charts of STEAM in the first days, selling more than THE WITCHER 3 and GTA V.
So be it (The attached video is not about the game, but about what I think about these polemics.)