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I heard about this site from another site (Sorcerer's Place), so I just came here looking what do you got.
I'm fan of crpg, jrpg, various adventure and action gaming. I'm not old enough to play original crpgs without choosing remasters, they are too dated for me, but I do love Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter series and some of more modern take on action adventure.

I still haven't buy anything from the store, but if I stay, I definitely plan to. GOG hasn't got much of the older jrpgs like Ni No Kuni or earlier Tales series, but it's fine for now.

Username is inspired by Ni No Kuni atmosphere. Phyllis is title choice because it means foliage.
Yea JRPGs are sorely lacking here, but it's more on JP culture than GOG.
I like the games I've gotten here though.

Anyways, welcome.
low rated
General Kenobi!
FairyFoliage: [...]GOG hasn't got much of the older jrpgs like Ni No Kuni [...]
boy.... do i feel old now....
FairyFoliage: [...]GOG hasn't got much of the older jrpgs like Ni No Kuni [...]
amok: boy.... do i feel old now....
Chrono Trigger was the first JRPG I played.
December 9, 2010


Akalabeth: World of Doom: Released 1979...


You youngin' my first RPG that I sank my teeth into was Exile II: The Crystal Souls. From 1996.
Post edited October 07, 2021 by Darvond
Darvond: You youngin' my first RPG that I sank my teeth into was Exile II: The Crystal Souls. From 1996.
Heh. Mine was either the first Exile (Escape From The Pit) or Ultima VI :P. And I was quite late to the RPG genre.

Most of the early stuff I played were either platformers, strategy games or simulators of all kinds.
WinterSnowfall: Heh. Mine was either the first Exile (Escape From The Pit) or Ultima VI :P. And I was quite late to the RPG genre.

Most of the early stuff I played were either platformers, strategy games or simulators of all kinds.
It was that and Secret of Mana for me, but I was also late to the party.
FairyFoliage: [...]GOG hasn't got much of the older jrpgs like Ni No Kuni [...]
amok: boy.... do i feel old now....
Hmmm... FairyFoliage how old are you? I'm sure a lot of people will think of 'older' as NES or C64 titles, like playing Bard's tale with 6 floppy disks or the like. Ni No Kuni being a PS3 game first, and it appeared the 'remaster' being put on the PC if this 2019 post is anything to go by.
cowtipper-: Chrono Trigger was the first JRPG I played.
Phantasy Star 4 here. Probably 1997?
amok: boy.... do i feel old now....
rtcvb32: Hmmm... FairyFoliage how old are you? I'm sure a lot of people will think of 'older' as NES or C64 titles, like playing Bard's tale with 6 floppy disks or the like. Ni No Kuni being a PS3 game first, and it appeared the 'remaster' being put on the PC if this 2019 post is anything to go by.
cowtipper-: Chrono Trigger was the first JRPG I played.
rtcvb32: Phantasy Star 4 here. Probably 1997?
I don't even see Nes titles as ''Old'' Though I see the Atari 2600 and what was on it as ''oldish''.. Whatever the case I could have sworn a Ni No Kuni title was on the ps2 or something with '' Ni No Kuni '' in the title somewhere but I could easily be mistaken on both fronts seeing as I have a big collection of games and was buying ps2 games even when the ps3 and Ps4 was out so ya just saying

But ya whatever the case I wonder how old the op of this thread is to call this specific games and others listed as old and archaic when they aren't that old of titles
BanditKeith2: I don't even see Nes titles as ''Old'' Though I see the Atari 2600 and what was on it as ''oldish''..
2600 and NES use the same CPU, the 6502. The difference of a better video output and more memory being the only difference. Namely most 'games' on the 2600 were like 2k in size, while segments in NES is 32k.

BanditKeith2: Whatever the case I could have sworn a Ni No Kuni title was on the ps2 or something with '' Ni No Kuni '' in the title somewhere but I could easily be mistaken on both fronts seeing as I have a big collection of games and was buying ps2 games even when the ps3 and Ps4 was out so ya just saying
Earliest of Ni No Kuni is on the DS in 2010, which i didn't know about. Wrath of the white witch is the one i'm familiar with, which was on PS3.

Moby Games Ni No Kuni Series
amok: boy.... do i feel old now....
Yeah, that hit me right in the old-feelings too.
BanditKeith2: I don't even see Nes titles as ''Old'' Though I see the Atari 2600 and what was on it as ''oldish''..
rtcvb32: 2600 and NES use the same CPU, the 6502. The difference of a better video output and more memory being the only difference. Namely most 'games' on the 2600 were like 2k in size, while segments in NES is 32k.

BanditKeith2: Whatever the case I could have sworn a Ni No Kuni title was on the ps2 or something with '' Ni No Kuni '' in the title somewhere but I could easily be mistaken on both fronts seeing as I have a big collection of games and was buying ps2 games even when the ps3 and Ps4 was out so ya just saying
rtcvb32: Earliest of Ni No Kuni is on the DS in 2010, which i didn't know about. Wrath of the white witch is the one i'm familiar with, which was on PS3.

Moby Games Ni No Kuni Series
One could use a similar argument you made with 2600 and NES as with a pc and console .. Granted not nearly the same as it'd still be similar in a way ...besides the 2600 came out in 1977 in NA and the NES came out in NA in 1985.. Which if what I have read is true the 2600 and the Famicon (The Eastern O.G NES) was released the same year of 1983.. So looking at the graphic difference and size difference is no surprise plus the format differences .. Whatever the case my point is NES is nowhere as old as the 2600 and the difference in games is very noticable as a result in everyway..

Where as now game differences from even 30 years ago to now aren't that noticeable when it comes to graphics, sound and gameplay in none indie stuff.. About the only thing noticeable is control schemes I would say

Still thanks for the game info
BanditKeith2: One could use a similar argument you made with 2600 and NES as with a pc and console .. Granted not nearly the same as it'd still be similar in a way ...besides the 2600 came out in 1977 in NA and the NES came out in NA in 1985.. Which if what I have read is true the 2600 and the Famicon (The Eastern O.G NES) was released the same year of 1983.. So looking at the graphic difference and size difference is no surprise plus the format differences .. Whatever the case my point is NES is nowhere as old as the 2600 and the difference in games is very noticable as a result in everyway..
The 2600/5200 if i remember right, was the result of them taking 'Pong' from a hardware and mixed circuits to a software approach, something that didn't really exist. They even named the hardware items after pong's elements. You had something like 2 player sprites and 1 ball sprite, which was all they really needed. Amazing they got so much more out of it through programming.

Memory was also expensive and space was limited too. Not only that when developing the 6502 certain instructions/features they had to beg for, else the 6502 would have ONLY been able to do Pong and like 1-2 other titles due to the limitations of the instruction set and memory access.

Worse since they didn't want to invest in additional money in a video chip the 6502 ALSO handled drawing the screen, so much that 95% of the speed is simply refreshing the screen and where all logic took place during the overscan areas and vsync refresh. In Pacman you can see undrawn areas where the programmer had to just force a section for additional logic/gameplay to work because he didn't have enough time. And to handle ghosts each ghost is drawn on every 4 frames making them flicker badly.

This is a far cry from anything more modern where the Xbox was literally a 386 800mhz computer with a GPU thrown in.

BanditKeith2: Where as now game differences from even 30 years ago to now aren't that noticeable when it comes to graphics, sound and gameplay in none indie stuff.. About the only thing noticeable is control schemes I would say

Still thanks for the game info
Depends. 2D and sprite based games, yeah didn't change much. 30 years ago 3D games were slow and a novelty thing. There's also resolution, processing speed and Floating point. Keep in mind Floating point wasn't built into every CPU, you had a CPU and a separate FPU unit, and if you didn't do that you could emulate (very slowly) or do something like fixed-point, but things being either 8 or 16 bit, well... it was far too slow to active use. A simple wireframe house in BASIC on an 8bit machine would take like 3 minutes to render, and that's just a box with a roof, nothing special, vs sprites. I think there's a huge difference there. Though i'm not sure how many mathematical calculations are needed to render such a simple scene, and my trigonometry sucks. You might get away with 16-bit fixed point but very low resolution for things.

But there is a difference, be it the framework or whatnot. I bought a game on steam (when i first got involved) and it was playing in flash, and required SO MUCH CPU TIME. It was effectively an SNES game and i'd have been happier with a SNES game, at least then it wouldn't have pushed my machine so hard for so little. A simple game you can write in 300 bytes like flappy bird on a 6502 takes 3 Megs on a smart phone, and tons of CPU power. Very inefficient, something i loath.

Then there's differences between games using the same port but on different machines that might have a little extra umph, where in contra leaves would shake and other effects while on other NES systems it would be totally static. Maybe not as noticeable, but i'd think it's a big difference under the hood.
Ahh. . .the good old days. The game that made me fall in love with RPGs was Secret of Evermore for the SNES, even though it has many flaws, including a sometimes bare-bone, cliched story and a near-impossible-to-beat-final-boss that I never took down without a "barrier" spell that makes you invulnerable, until it runs out and then you can cast it again with no cooldown.

P.S. If you're looking for JRPGs on GOG, I'm playing through the first part of the Legends of Heroes Trails in the Sky series and loving every minute of it. However, fair warning: you will have to do a lot of reading.
Post edited October 07, 2021 by oldgamebuff42