It's interesting to see, how many forum users are apparently worried about the possible damage to their reputation, should others be able to see, whom they "support" with their upvote.
Shouldn't you be proud of what/whom you support?
Or, asked another way: how much is your support worth, if you feel, you can only grant it in secrecy?
Would you still support (what was the wording here? - "difficult topics" and "controversial topics"), if everyone could see your upvote?
And if not - why not?
Why would you NOT stand up publicly for your convictions?
Especially, if you would have no problem, doing so in anonymity?
I mean - obviously, these possibly "difficult and controversial" statements ARE your convictions, or why else would you upvote them?
So - why not stand by them?
I, on the other hand, still don't see what exactly the OP hopes to gain from publicly revealed upvotes?
Unfortunately, he didn't bother to answer my question and I truly fail to see the benefits.
Especially, since we all learned from the answers so far, that many/most would rather stop upvoting anything, than to be "outed" for the "wrong upvotes".
"Meeting likeminded people", like one brought up?
By looking who upvotes the same posts like oneself does?
Sorry - but isn't this a forum?
Aka: a place where people can exchange their opinions in text and see, whether they are likeminded?