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most forums: don't create a new thread without searching first! better bump the old one!
the GOG's one: oh noes necromancy!!

also yeah, locking that COVID-19 thread because of "necroposting" is something.
low rated
In any case, forum software, like most software, is limited in what it can do out of the box.

Many features require an addon if available or someone who knows enough about scripting ... and it all takes time to develop, time that I imagine has a priority elsewhere, for all sorts of reasons, including financial and staffing and skillset.

You could say the same for a lot of requests for this or that feature here.

Forum software is a complex beast. I know that first hand.
Sarafan: To clarify things a bit. We don't close every necroed thread. If the person who does this shares a valuable opinion or asks a valuable question, we leave the topic open. It's also important whether the OP information are not outdated. If there's a possibility that they might confuse some users, we decide to close the thread. It all depends on the particular situation.
Cavalary: I've been seeing necroed threads being locked even if the user who reopened them wasn't spamming. And even if they are being reopened by spam, then just the spam should be removed, without taking away the option of someone else posting something relevant there in the future.
And now you should get banned for disputing moderation :D

Snowslinger: This forum is extrmely prejudiced against Orkhepaj.
Yeah, weird how trolling a forum for years sometimes has that effect.
Post edited October 13, 2021 by Breja
I share Sarafan's opinion (and I imagine the other moderator's too) that a necro is ok as long as it enriches the post.

Still, it's kinda annoying when someone necros a post as trolling or because he/she didn't "read the room" (like checking the comments' dates or if the thread has been exhausted already).
_Auster_: Still, it's kinda annoying when someone necros a post as trolling or because he/she didn't "read the room" (like checking the comments' dates or if the thread has been exhausted already).
Annoying in current threads too. But, either way, no reason to close the thread and block anyone else from contributing in the future, or maybe even making some thing something's off with that thread and passing over it if it comes up in a search even if it would include what they're looking for.
Pouyou-pouyou: Let's push it to the limit :
Someone has a technical problem with a game that no one found a solution to. Years after someone else stumbling upon the thread has the solution. So just because the thread is old he shouldn't have the right to post the solution ? Silly as fuck.
The evergreen of technical support forums: "Nevermind, I fixed it. You can close the thread now."
Acriz: The evergreen of technical support forums: "Nevermind, I fixed it. You can close the thread now."
I always encourage people to post their solutions, but sadly, once people get their answer, you're lucky if they even come back to say it's solved.
Pouyou-pouyou: Let's push it to the limit :
Someone has a technical problem with a game that no one found a solution to. Years after someone else stumbling upon the thread has the solution. So just because the thread is old he shouldn't have the right to post the solution ? Silly as fuck.
Acriz: The evergreen of technical support forums: "Nevermind, I fixed it. You can close the thread now."
Well I did that once in a game bug related topic, and it was called necroing, I won't post any more help for games.
LynXsh: most forums: don't create a new thread without searching first! better bump the old one!
the GOG's one: oh noes necromancy!!

also yeah, locking that COVID-19 thread because of "necroposting" is something.
It makes no sense, I haven't seen this rule in any other forums. I wonder what does it achieve.
Post edited October 14, 2021 by Orkhepaj
Orkhepaj: It makes no sense, I haven't seen this rule in any other forums. I wonder what does it achieve.
I'm a bit slow. what makes no sense? the "no necroposting" rule? I do agree. I honestly see no logic behind it.
Orkhepaj: It makes no sense, I haven't seen this rule in any other forums. I wonder what does it achieve.
LynXsh: I'm a bit slow. what makes no sense? the "no necroposting" rule? I do agree. I honestly see no logic behind it.
yep the rule and its application
low rated
Most of the time necroposting is fine ... in the context of the general GOG Forums at least.

However there are cases where they can be dangerous or misleading, especially to those not savvy enough to understand the risks.

Basically I am talking about outdated information or instructions, that might cause grief if a reader used that. Or maybe just cause them to waste significant time on something that won't be helpful, and may even cause issues when seeking help from Support.

Keeping tabs on such threads would be difficult to say the least for GOG staff, and so they can really only respond to such as they come across it.

Some threads should never be archived, so date doesn't play a part.
And some threads are only relevant if using older hardware or software.
Unfortunately there is no way to automate closures or warnings ... maybe one day when AI gets smart enough.
Timboli: maybe one day when AI gets smart enough.
NO. just NO. I know SHODAN. and Tycho. so NO. please.
While locking some necro'd threads occasionally makes sense, it certainly doesn't make sense as a blanket rule.

Snowslinger: This forum is extrmely prejudiced against Orkhepaj.
Orkjepaj is extremely prejudiced against this forum. They have a habit of making demands about how the forum should be (no games!!!).
Post edited October 14, 2021 by my name is supyreor catte
Most of the necros I've seen here weren't of the sort that contributed a lot to the original thread but rather of the sort that caused a lot of confusion.

Case in point: Reviving a release thread from 2015, making it seem like this was news about a recent release. (In this case, one could even consider it a valid question, but the way it is delivered is still questionable, IMO, regardless of whether it was thoughtless or intentional clickbait.)

Or replying to a post someone made ages ago as if they had only just said it, while the original poster most probably has long since moved on. It leads to more people mistakening the thread for an active discussion that requires input, without paying attention to what has already been said before and WHEN. In some cases, it's imaginable that new posts can still contribute something worthwhile, but from my experience these cases are an exception, not the rule.

I always wonder how these necromancers even find and pick the threads they post in. If it's an honest interest without any intention of spamming or trolling, do they just type keywords they are interested in into GOG's subpar search engine, in order to find a place where they can share their opinion on them? Or do they make it a hobby to read the forum in its entirety, chronologically, from oldest to newest posts? *honestly puzzled*
Post edited October 14, 2021 by Leroux
Leroux: Or replying to a post someone made ages ago as if they had only just said it, while the original poster most probably has long since moved on. It leads to more people mistakening the thread for an active discussion that requires input, without paying attention to what has already been said before and WHEN. In some cases, it's imaginable that new posts can still contribute something worthwhile, but from my experience these cases are an exception, not the rule.
True, but that's often the case with a current thread, where many don't even read the opening post, just comment on the thread title and read few, if any, other posts.

Leroux: I always wonder how these necromancers even find and pick the threads they post in. If it's an honest interest without any intention of spamming or trolling, do they just type keywords they are interested in into GOG's subpar search engine, in order to find a place where they can share their opinion on them? Or do they make it a hobby to read the forum in its entirety, chronologically, from oldest to newest posts? *puzzled*
Yes it is mysterious .. maybe they see them in passing while searching for something else, and then just feel they have to add their say ... perhaps in their enthusiasm they don't even realize they are necroing.