Timboli: To me it appears you are desperately making assumptions about things concerning me, and getting them wrong.
Of course I am ignorant of your meaning. (Otherwise what would be the need for the question in the first place?) Like Socrates, I do not shy from my ignorance;
au contraire, I embrace it, lest I learn nothing from life. (Oh noes!!1!, did I just use a foreign phrase?
Moi? :P)
Timboli: Lovely big technical kind of word you used there, probably made up, though I can't be bothered to check. You do realize that most people here are normal, and that kind of thing just illustrates the different kind of mindset you operate with. I'm not telling you that to be rude or be unkind, just that you are not gaining any points being like that. While many here are certainly intellectual, at times, you seem to be over-indulging, perhaps even trying to show off.
Thank you for the advice. You do realize that more people speak English as a foreign language than as a mother tongue? Perhaps I speak this way for a reason. (Exception: please note that it is you who is the one who that has made repeated assumptions about me, not I about you.)
As someone who is
au fait with psychology, I can tell you
authoritatively and categorically that there is no such thing as “normal”. (Technically, the variance is too great for their to be any significance in something so blunt as a mean.) What a bland world you wish for, methinks, where everyone must conform to some arbitrary standard of normality.
Viva la difference! And Yes, as a matter of fact I did create that word for the purpose of conveying the semantic payload it delivers. (Thank you, but it’s not that difficult: just combine two or more Classical roots —— anyone can do it —— try it!) (To answer your next question, I do it because it is shorthand; it allows the encapsulation of an underlying concept in a beautifully succinct phrase. Classically, this is termed
concinnity. Do you see its utility? Otherwise it would be necessary to write at length to describe in detail what I wish to convey —— so be thankful for small mercies.)
Ergo, whether you mean it or not, the inescapable rational conclusion you are broadcasting is that I talk normally (like you, presumably) or be silent. Which is a rather odd wish on a discussion forum, but not for a congregation of the faithful. (Because if everyone says the same things in the same ways we would all be just repeating each other. Which I would assert is a waste of bandwidth. YMMD) I would quote John Stuart Mill and a free society's prerequisite need for the civil exchange of differing points of view, but you would indubitably object.
Oh, all right:
First, if any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true. To deny this is to assume our own infallibility. Secondly, though the silenced opinion be an error, it may, and very commonly does, contain a portion of truth; and since the general or prevailing opinion on any subject is rarely or never the whole truth, it is only by the collision of adverse opinions that the remainder of the truth has any chance of being supplied. Thirdly, even if the received opinion be not only true, but the whole truth; unless it is suffered to be, and actually is, vigorously and earnestly contested, it will, by most of those who receive it, be held in the manner of a prejudice, with little comprehension or feeling of its rational grounds. And not only this, but, fourthly, the meaning of the doctrine itself will be in danger of being lost, or enfeebled, and deprived of its vital effect on the character and conduct: the dogma becoming a mere formal profession, inefficacious for good, but cumbering the ground, and preventing the growth of any real and heartfelt conviction, from reason or personal experience.
JS Mill (posthumously, 1859),
On Liberty, p.72.
Timboli: Anyway mate, I almost totally disagree with what you have been saying. It seems to me you have a pet theory and are trying to force things to fit it. I still don't get the rationale of that date thing, that you wasted yourself repeating. For my money, we are on two totally different pages, that you somehow think are related.
Mr Timboli, you are a disappointing conversationalist.
Scientific method uses the peer group to pursue the null hypothesis. The whole point is for others to find the faults in that which is posited by their peer.
Rather than all of this editorial opinion you have chosen to publish about who you think I am, perhaps if you concentrated on the topic we might actually come to some mutually agreeable concord? Revolutionary, I know.
For instance, when you wrote:
Timboli: The problem with some people, like yourself, is that you attempt to put words in my mouth that I never said, and like so many who quote things philosophical or psychological, you don't really understand what you read. You are trying to push borrowed wisdom as your own, and are badly applying it.
Try and follow this logic: the listener must attempt to re-word that which their interlocutor has said in the effort to demonstrate comprehension. Otherwise, even given a perfect recall, the speaker has no clue as to whether their audience has understood what was spoken. Do you see? You may wrote learn the utterances of Mandarin, but that does not mean you speak Chinese.
So of course I was attempting “to put words into [your] mouth” because this is precisely how to demonstrate comprehension, by re-wording that which was said, No?
Oh, and what’s wrong with trying to apply overheard wisdom? How on Earth would you learn without doing? You seem terrified of being seen to make a mistake. I have no such qualms. Mistakes are opportunities to learn. (BTW, your insult might have had more impact if, I don’t know, I hadn’t heard it from Gene Kelly in
An American In Paris —— a movie made seventy years ago. :)
Timboli: At this point it seems pretty evident our conversation in regard to one another, is not going to go anywhere positive, but regardless I wish you all the best, and you are certainly entitled to your view or opinion.
There is no fate but what we make. You may see an unavoidable calamity, but I see opportunity. My search for meaning does not imply a lack in you. Retract your claws, Sir!
I seek not to injure you by confronting your assertions, but instead to clarify what you wish to assert, in this our attempt to exchange meaning, via such a limited modulation of bare text devoid of gesticulation and facial cue , where one must strive harder to be understood than in a personal chat.
Let me start:
Most of the time necroposting is fine ... in the context of the general GOG Forums at least.
We are in violent agreement. :)
Now, you expressed ignorance (
quell horreur!) at my reference of
work when describing the process of gleaning utilization from a conversation, as I said here:
I'm not sure how keeping all the comments in a single thread is more work than having dozens of separate conversations all talking about the same thing (over many days, months, or even years) is better.
I spend a great deal of time keeping track of all my contributions, usually in more than one thread, about the same conversation.
I’m not sure how this is unclear. Whilst I am online and conducting conversations such as this, I spend time collating both others’ and my responses.
To this you replied that:
I don't get the personal angle either, as none of us are likely do things the same.
The personal angle is my attempt to explain how I —— hence personally, my only reliable proof —— use these social media conversations.
What you say doesn't seem related to what I said at all, so it's probable you misunderstood my meaning, which the use of the word 'work' would imply.
See, you seem to have identified what I mean by “work” in your own initial comment:
Timboli: Keeping tabs on such threads would be difficult to say the least for GOG staff, and so they can really only respond to such as they come across it.
That is the same “work”, Yes?
Timboli: Basically I am talking about outdated information or instructions, that might cause grief if a reader used that. Or maybe just cause them to waste significant time on something that won't be helpful, and may even cause issues when seeking help from Support. […] Some threads should never be archived, so date doesn't play a part.
Please, since I cannot think of one, would you make some attempt at an example? One where a datestamp would be ineffective in minimizing confusion?
Now, having said that, there may be situations where there is no good answer to the dilemma of many short threads versus one very long discussion. For instance, if the list of replies numbers in the thousands of pages, I can see the limitations that such an overload of data would create.
It would be perfectly suitable to create a new, supplemental conversation to carry forward from that longer older one. It would aid utility to summarize the preceding in the early part of the latter, too: an index. (Flourishes like direct hyperlinks to particularly salient referent comments from the former discussion placed in the summary would be excellent addition.)
Do you see what I am trying to say? I am looking at a raw source of information (a conversation between multiple contributors over a length of time about a particular subject) and attempting to mine all the useful conclusions, with their context intact, from it.
Now, I am sure you have many questions. Please feel free to ask them. Or not. ./..
edit: bad link