Arinielle: Yeah, no thanks. EG and Steam have their own sites for people to buy games. I don't want their stores here, thanks. I'm here for GOG, not Epic Games and not Steam. If I want anything from them, I will go to them... well, to Steam. Screw Epic.
Time4Tea: ^ this. Selling DRM-ed Epic games through Galaxy is damaging to DRM-free, since it allows access to GOG's userbase to developers who are selling DRM-ed games and reduces the incentive for them to release DRM-free in the first place. This cross-store initiative is not compatible with GOG's DRM-free promise and should be scrapped immediately.
tbh, i think it would be good for the drm-free community to see this. One of the few arguments to defend GOG on it's half-assed DRM policies is that everyone says that GOG is the only site that doesn't sell any full-DRMed games (which is wrong, 'cause of Gwent), but this would destroy the last bastian of argumentation of GOG over humble and other stores that have a mixed library. Those other stores are likely to better separate what is and is not DRMed. GOG thinks they'll be cornering a market, but epic and such will still try to keep customers on themselves directly in their own products, even if they bother to mention the gog connection is available. The main reason steam and such would sign up for this is to think they're getting a share of someone else's customer base, so they'll agree while trying to create incentives and such that lean things in favor of their own platform anywhere they have control. So Epic games will advertise epic-exclusive perks, steam-specific games might come with something that specifically mentions steam, etc.