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Completed the game on SJ yesterday. Last few events were pretty awesome, storming the Ranger Citadel felt like the end events of Dragon Age Origins for some reason. Maybe because I got everyone I've helped in the past to help me. Same deal with DA:O
Dugan's fight was pretty cool. Now if the Scorpitron had Dugan's heavy machine gun, it'll be incredibly hard. Dugan hit my Power Armoured ranger for a total of 400 dmg before his turn ended, madness, luckily I was able to revive him with Rose (10/10 Surgeon). Prior to Dugan's turn he had eaten an RPG and a Gamma Ray Blaster salvo but still stood, killed him soon after his turn with burst fire G41. Funnily the whole fight, Dugan and the Meson Cannon were the most dangerous targets, the big-ass Scorpitron was pretty much ignored until both of them went down. At level 40s, my Rangers can survive a Meson Cannon blast on SJ, on the 30s my party or most of my party would have died.
Last fight, Rose turned on me. If I knew, I would've not brought her to the Citadel. Didn't kill her, think Vargas killed her. Vargas is badass, criting for 159 with his pistol on the Synths. Got all the friendly NPCs swarming around that place. Since Rose turned, I'm left with my 1 medic and she was healing party members and NPCs alike, pretty stressful for her. Most of them survived in the end, the Synths don't last long to Dragoon 140dmg headshots, G41 202 dmg burstfire headshots and Gamma Ray salvos. Although a couple died, I accidentally shot Jan the mutant's head off with the Dragoon AMR, 95% on hit on the Synth and it went to Jan instead wtf. Another NPC from Damonta charged off and died to a basher. In the end it was Kekkahbah who stayed and sacrificed himself to activate the nuke. Not sure if you guys got the same person.
Probably got the best endings since I went for peace on all factions except for Titan Canyon: Saved AG Centre and they're thriving, brought peace to Nomad Camp and they're also thriving, made peace with RSM in the Prison (no actions on both sides), defused nuke in Canyon Titan causing chaos and Father Enol telling I suck. I suppose sending the mad monks the nuke would be the best option, they will die like how they wanted so I assume they died happy and no further chaos in the Canyon. Killed all robots in the Damonta, the radio guy keeps mentioning my name in his broadcasts.
Chased the leather jerks out of Rodia, reinstated the Mayor, pretty good ending description about them growing different kinds of crops. Sided with the Mannerites and chased out the Robbinsons in Angel Oracle, stopped them from eating human meat. Went for the peace option for Hollywood with Veronica and McDade rebuilding the communities.
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