Posted October 24, 2015
And that must be quite an accomplishment!!! lol
But I can't not ask anymore, it's been bugging me.
When downloading a game, I often find the Windows installer and immediately underneath a "Windows Patch" (see attached) and it's never clear to me whether I'm supposed to download both and apply the patch or whether the installer is already patched. I've always assumed the installer is already patched, but.... well, if there's one thing I have learned that's even worse than asking the dumbest question ever asked on the internet, it's that to assume something makes an ass of me... or something like that. (lol... can't remember exactly how that went now... damned memory)
But I can't not ask anymore, it's been bugging me.
When downloading a game, I often find the Windows installer and immediately underneath a "Windows Patch" (see attached) and it's never clear to me whether I'm supposed to download both and apply the patch or whether the installer is already patched. I've always assumed the installer is already patched, but.... well, if there's one thing I have learned that's even worse than asking the dumbest question ever asked on the internet, it's that to assume something makes an ass of me... or something like that. (lol... can't remember exactly how that went now... damned memory)
This question / problem has been solved by mrkgnao