Finally! It is back. I was quite pissed when I didn't caught it on steam when it was around. And during a time it was annoying to make it run perfectly at max settings. Thanks to this release, all of that is a thing of the past. I still have the game for Original Xbox. And i finished it twice. While many didn't liked it slow pace and its approach to immersion. I actually loved it and still think that it was one of the most unappreciated masterpieces of its time.
Yes, the game is story driven, scripted and lineal. But it still gave you the option to cruise and sight see around in a very big and cool setup for th time with great music and atmostphere. It also has excellent looks and gameplay for the time it got released. And it is still of the best video game ever written in my opinion. Because the execution of the story with the gameplay is done masterfully. Another thing is how great the attention to detail in the game actually is. There is even videos of this on YouTube. Mafia 1 vs Mafia 3. Which while set up for effects. It is still shocking how bad Mafia III is in comparison given the time context. With the only thing it having over Mafia 2 and Mafia 1 being looks and effects.
Thanks to GOG for briging it back. And as someone who is actually familiar with music contracts and contracts in general. Sometimes, when a music contract is signed, it has built demands in the case of a contract renegotiation and/or for when the contract expires. Or worse, It don't has any and once the contract runs out, The product in question becomes an infringing product. How that works is boring. But It is basically what happens with many Video Games. Unless the contract was able to be done right when signed. The licensed soundtracks become in contention once the contract runs out. Again, it is very complicated as it varies widely depending on how the rights to the music were being held and managed when put into the game. So, I perfectly understand that GOG is not only on the up and up here, They are 100% innocent of anything about that here. You want to blame someone? Blame whoever negotiated the music orgiinally. As with this kind of thing, It might not even be 2K fault, believe it or not.
Ok, having said all that. It is great to have it back. Restoring the music is trival as hell. And I can see the data to restore it is already available in 12 ways. So, restore in the music if you can/want. And also get the widescreen fix for the game. Apart from that, you can also easily setup an Xbox 360 or Xbox One Controller to work with the game via several apps if wanted/needed. All of this will not take you more than 5 minutes to do.
Post edited October 21, 2017 by AvatarX001