Loger13: Can someone tell how exactly co-op implemented? LAN (like in Trine 1,2) possible?
JoelFB: I can help tomorrow if I know what to ask for specifically - are you looking for a real LAN (Local Area Network) capabillity, or simply info on local co-op? Local co-op in general just works by plugging in extra controllers. Trine 1 might've had support for additional mice and keyboards but I don't think Trine 2 did...
Real LAN, as I said earlier.
JoelFB: I also don't think we ever truly supported LAN modes in Trine 1 or 2, but perhaps they worked with Hamachi or such software...
Yes, I read on the forum how someone from the team (maybe you? :)) was surprised that users unearthed this mode and these options and used them, and said that this was not an official mode, but was created in test purposes. Buuuuuut nevertheless it was available, it worked, and I made excellent use of it with my friend (we have both the GOG versions).
JoelFB: That said, perhaps you're looking for the options.txt stuff? Here's what we have in Trine 4 %APPDATA%\Trine4\options.txt
setOption(networkModule, "UseLANOnly", false)
setOption(networkModule, "MasterServerIp", "[SERVER_IP]:27300")
setOption(networkModule, "MasterServerName", "[SERVER]:27300")
setOption(networkModule, "UseFixedPortRange", true)
setOption(networkModule, "FixedPortRangeStart", 27300)
setOption(networkModule, "FixedPortRangeEnd", 27315)
setOption(networkModule, "OverrideOnlineRegion", "")
setOption(networkModule, "FixedLocalAddress", "")
setOption(networkModule, "FixedExternalAddress", "")
setOption(networkModule, "AllowSteamConnections", true)
setOption(networkModule, "AllowNonSteamConnections", true)
Does that help?
Yes! This is exactly what I wanted to know! And with ready-made config (as far as I can see, even the format has remained the same)! Thank!
JoelFB: The thing is though that I'm unsure if these actually work, some of them might be leftovers from an earlier era - I can find out tomorrow though.
Be so kind as to give an answer! I understand that this is an unofficial way and it will not and will not be supported, but I am interested in this mode, and technical difficulties do not scare me. This will affect my buying decision (Not the only factor, but significant).
And I want to say thanks for your wonderful games, wonderful atmosphere in them, fabulous music. And thanks for such a high-quality and detailed answer. Even at this stage, this answer contains more information than I expected to know when I asked my question. Support level is 5 out of 5.
fb_jlarja: Hi all
I'm not really the resident net game expert, but as far as I can tell from the code, setting either (or both) of UseLANLobbies or UseLANOnly to true in options.txt should enable LAN instead of Internet multiplayer. It's used by us during development, but hasn't really been tested for public release, so it may have some pretty rough edges.
-JLarja / Frozenbyte
Oh, I hurried with an answer.
Thank! This is exactly what I wanted to know - did it remain and whether it still works in principle, as it worked in the first and second parts.
The fact that this is not official, and there is no support, we already learned back in the times of the first and second parts, but this does not prevent us from using it.
On the contrary, it is wonderful that the game has, albeit unofficially, a working multiplayer that does not require external (third-party) servers. Servers are not eternal, and the game will remain operational even after decades.