TheMonkofDestiny: $49.99US for a box and paper as part of a birthday gift to myself. I could've bought those cheaper and decorated them by hand.
And it's a single code for all 4 games - I already had the first three on Steam, so that's a bit of a waste.
You can get in touch with our support ( ) to figure out some solutions, we appreciate the purchase and would rather you not feel disappointed, there's probably something we can do...
Loger13: Can someone tell how exactly co-op implemented? LAN (like in Trine 1,2) possible?
I can help tomorrow if I know what to ask for specifically - are you looking for a real LAN (Local Area Network) capabillity, or simply info on local co-op? Local co-op in general just works by plugging in extra controllers. Trine 1 might've had support for additional mice and keyboards but I don't think Trine 2 did...
I also don't think we ever truly supported LAN modes in Trine 1 or 2, but perhaps they worked with Hamachi or such software... That said, perhaps you're looking for the options.txt stuff? Here's what we have in Trine 4 %APPDATA%\Trine4\options.txt
setOption(networkModule, "UseLANOnly", false)
setOption(networkModule, "MasterServerIp", "[SERVER_IP]:27300")
setOption(networkModule, "MasterServerName", "[SERVER]:27300")
setOption(networkModule, "UseFixedPortRange", true)
setOption(networkModule, "FixedPortRangeStart", 27300)
setOption(networkModule, "FixedPortRangeEnd", 27315)
setOption(networkModule, "OverrideOnlineRegion", "")
setOption(networkModule, "FixedLocalAddress", "")
setOption(networkModule, "FixedExternalAddress", "")
setOption(networkModule, "AllowSteamConnections", true)
setOption(networkModule, "AllowNonSteamConnections", true)
Does that help? The thing is though that I'm unsure if these actually work, some of them might be leftovers from an earlier era - I can find out tomorrow though.
And to everyone else, thanks for the kind words and feedback! I'd love to do another Shadowgrounds too (maybe a Shadwen 2, too, but Shadowgrounds always has the fondest place in my heart for obvious reasons [my and the team's first game]). :)
FYI We're aware of some issues with GOG Achievements in Offline mode, so if you're planning to play the game Offline and care about Achievements, I'd advise not to do that just yet. We're working on a fix. Also looking into the online issues, seems like some users are encountering lobby issues (not being able to join), that's probably our #1 upcoming fix once we figure out why this is happening...
- Joel, Frozenbyte team, developers of Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince