Niggles: So whats the update with this? Wasnt there supposed to be a so called final indiegogo thingie for this?
Well, there isn't one really other than the latest things being he's now adding new NPCs and their animations to "ancient placeholders" and he's been promising that the game will appear on Steam Greenlight every Friday for some time now but it never does.
If something noteworthy happens or even if something kinda funny or whatnot, I'll post it here. I think I've been dropping a little update roughly once a month for a while now. I wish I could report some hint of the game actually releasing but there just isn't any yet.
He did say at one point when it goes up on Greenlight that pledges would have access to download the full game in whatever state it is in at the time. However, a promise from Cleve may not always be kept. So, we shall see.