Posted April 02, 2020
Report from India concerning developments as of 2nd April
An Islamic organization was holding its international convention in Delhi on 23/24th March while nation wide lockdown was declared on 24th March. So many of the attendees who came from other Indian states and from around the world were housed in its own premises until they could leave, until 31st March when it came to public notice that there was such a large gathering of people still staying there and many had corona symptoms. Its been evacuated and the residents have been quarantined but many of the attendees already returned to their home states and currently state govts have been ordered to find them and test / quarantine them. Controversy as usual :
I went out to buy milk this morning and there were provisions / vegetable shops open which are necessary enough but many people were still out on the streets. You still have to look both ways before crossing the road due to vehicles on the road and many older men are idling around shops and bus stops without observing distancing or wearing masks. Seems the police force is too outstretched to cover my little area.
There have been reports of alcohol addicted men committing suicide due to withdrawal symptoms / inability to get a drink in my state. Only essential services operate during lockdown and alcohol shops aren't included, so they've been closed for 8 days now. State govt doesn't know how to deal with this(who would?) and has temporarily allowed doctors to prescribe alcohol and such prescriptions to be a valid form of acquiring booze from medical shops. Also deaths from people drinking hand sanitizer.
US buying medical supplies from Russia :
Chinese Ambassador seems to be giving some kind of positive message to India : This is from The Hindu paper but I saw a similar editorial in today's Times of India print edition. Seems hell is freezing over in diplomatic relations.
An Islamic organization was holding its international convention in Delhi on 23/24th March while nation wide lockdown was declared on 24th March. So many of the attendees who came from other Indian states and from around the world were housed in its own premises until they could leave, until 31st March when it came to public notice that there was such a large gathering of people still staying there and many had corona symptoms. Its been evacuated and the residents have been quarantined but many of the attendees already returned to their home states and currently state govts have been ordered to find them and test / quarantine them. Controversy as usual :
I went out to buy milk this morning and there were provisions / vegetable shops open which are necessary enough but many people were still out on the streets. You still have to look both ways before crossing the road due to vehicles on the road and many older men are idling around shops and bus stops without observing distancing or wearing masks. Seems the police force is too outstretched to cover my little area.
There have been reports of alcohol addicted men committing suicide due to withdrawal symptoms / inability to get a drink in my state. Only essential services operate during lockdown and alcohol shops aren't included, so they've been closed for 8 days now. State govt doesn't know how to deal with this(who would?) and has temporarily allowed doctors to prescribe alcohol and such prescriptions to be a valid form of acquiring booze from medical shops. Also deaths from people drinking hand sanitizer.
US buying medical supplies from Russia :
Chinese Ambassador seems to be giving some kind of positive message to India : This is from The Hindu paper but I saw a similar editorial in today's Times of India print edition. Seems hell is freezing over in diplomatic relations.