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high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Sean Connery was an advocate for physically abusing women in real-life, and he probably did it himself. I'm not talking about anything his characters did in his films, but rather the real person himself.

Here's proof from his own mouth:
Which is completely different from what you're claiming.

All hail Zardoz!
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Sean Connery was an advocate for physically abusing women in real-life, and he probably did it himself. I'm not talking about anything his characters did in his films, but rather the real person himself.
There is an old saying that I think works here....which is to try to avoid speaking ill of the dead(for at least a short time after they pass).

What I mean to say is.....the guy said and likely also thought some stuff others would find disagreeable....but then almost everyone does.

It's often better to focus on the deceased's good rather than the bad when someone passes, as it is the polite/proper thing to do, and also because nearly none of us are saints IRL.

(Also listen from 0:17 and on...he meant ANY person[including men], and only [in his words] "if it was merited". I am guessing this means if a person did something truly repugnantly evil or bad.

This is not to say I agree with that stance.....just pointing out that he wasn't advocating for b**ting women as you might possibly be inferring or implying)
Post edited November 01, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
GamesRater: There is an old saying that I think works here....which is to try to avoid speaking ill of the dead
I don't agree with that. Then that paints an unjust, illegitimate, false picture of him as a hero & good man, exactly like this thread was doing before I pointed out the fact that he was an advocate for abusing women.

And it also implicitly endorses his vile behaviors and statements. A reader of this thread may, in theory, take away the impression that Sean Connery was a cool guy...and then subsequently find videos like the one I linked to, wherein he said it's a hip thing to slap women.

Such a reader could then take his favorable impression that he formed of Sean as a result of reading threads like this, and then decide to go slap the women in his life.

So for reasons like that, it's always best to call out evil people for exactly what they are, and never give them a free pass just because they died.

As for your comments about "listen from 0:17 and on"....indeed one should do that, in order to hear how he described exactly what "when it is merited" means in his view. Namely, he thinks it's merited if a woman keeps talking about an issue that he doesn't want to talk about any more; so in order words, it's not really merited at all, but Sean stills think it is and encourages others to adopt his point of view via his public statements to that effect, which millions of people have seen/heard him make.

The only potentially merited situation for that ever to happen would be as self-defense, which is 100% certainly & unambiguously not part of Connery's rationale for why he thinks its fine to slap women.
Post edited November 02, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Such a reader could then take his favorable impression that he formed of Sean as a result of reading threads like this, and then decide to go slap the women in his life.
1. That is a stretch (that some other person listening to/reading things online would then go out and do bad things).

Sidenote: This line of thinking is the same "rationale" used by people who claimed video games caused other people to do bad things, or that some forms of music(rock and rap) might also cause other people to do the same.

2. Other people will sadly do bad things regardless....whether such people make such comments(as Sean did) or not.

(this is not to say evil shouldn't be called out sometimes...just that it should be reserved for when it is actually needed and worthwhile to do so)

Ancient-Red-Dragon: So for reasons like that, it's always best to call out evil people for exactly what they are, and never give them a free pass just because they died.
The thing is he was likely no better or worse than many people in are seemingly deeming him "evil"(and at a level close to actual evil people) based on a few random comments and seemingly little else.

Some quotes come to mind which I feel relevant: "Judge not, lest ye be judged and found wanting", "Never judge a book by it's cover", and "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
Post edited November 02, 2020 by GamesRater
At the passing of someone, it is normal to focus on the good they have done, especially if they have provided society with a lot of joy.

There are other better occasions to look at their bad side.

And in any case, I'm not so sure Sean wasn't being tongue-in-cheek with his comment, certainly as he later claimed he was totally against violence to women. He was not a dumb man, and that needs to be taken into account.

There is no such thing as humor for the too politically correct.
Hey back in the day, when a woman got hysterical, the approved method of dealing with that, was to give them a slap. Especially as some would be hyperventilating due to their anxiety or whatever you want to label it. Many movies feature such.

I'm not recommending it, but it wasn't the case generally of a male being deliberately abusive, and even some females did it to other females. And getting hysterical is not limited to women either, especially in this age.

Of course we are more enlightened now, and just shoot them ... solves everything. ;)

Ha ha ha ha

P.S. While I may be injecting some humor, believe me I am being very tongue-in-cheek, and I perfectly realize that domestic abuse is a huge problem around the world, so please don't take me as having any sympathy for that, as I am totally against it ... whether that being physical or mental abuse. The way some people treat others, truly disgusts me.

Too bad that real-life "James Bond" doesn't live up to expectations, portrayed by Connery and other "Bonds". :D
bond.jpg (15 Kb)
bond2.jpg (35 Kb)
bond3.jpg (71 Kb)
GoG is in much respects truly a family, even on someone's funeral there is a part that looks angry at the other part.....

and there's always the smarthmouth ......

anyways not my time and certainly not the place ....

though in fairness while poorly done it beats people pressing 7 to pay their respect..

talk about a degenerative culture!

One of my heroes, taught me how properly to wear a mankini.