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low rated
The God that Failed by Richard Crossman
We the Living by Ayn Rand

just started them
Briefe in die chinesische Vergangenheit (Letters into the chinese past), by Herbert Rosendorfer.

A book about a chinese man named Kao-Tai who lives around the year 980 AD in the chinese empire. He invents some kind of time machine and travels 1000 years into the future. Due to some miscalculation he doesn`t arrive in China but in Munich in Bavaria instead. He writes letters to his best friend in the past, which he sends him via some "time travel stone" (hence the title).
In these letters he describes his adventures in the Bavaria of the 1980s.
A very funny book, which gives one a different point of view on our modern (well, not too modern) society.
Post edited July 21, 2021 by Maxvorstadt
Norstrilia by Paul Linebarger (Cordwainer Smith)
Starfinder Core Rulebook, a TTRPG manual that my mom gift me as birthday present. :D
Orkhepaj: The God that Failed by Richard Crossman
We the Living by Ayn Rand

just started them
I love so much the books of Ayn Rand, Fountainhead is my favourite.
Post edited July 23, 2021 by KetobaK
Reading atm, Tom Clancy Rainbow Six. An action packed thriller.Long read 900+ pages but loads of fun. Not his best book but really fun read so far.
The Invincible Red Sonja

Just started it. On issue one.


Finished #1 to #5 last night. It was a great read. I'm also a sucker for multiverse stories. Look forward to more.
Post edited July 24, 2021 by Arcadius-8606
In Search of the Unknown by Robert W.Chambers

Not much of a reader so don't know how much time it takes to complete this and start a new one lol.
Post edited July 24, 2021 by Lords3
"Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction by Gabor Maté.
Alaska by James Michener.
Re-reading Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo before I start the 2nd and 3rd books.
"The Hammer Falls", by Travis Heermann

A novel, set in a cyberpunkesque dystopia, where corporations owned by the different OC syndicates run the country, where laws are just meaningless words on paper (unless the corps want them to mean something), and in which the poor masses are kept entertained by watching cyberenhanced gladiators/wrestlers, that step into the ring for a kill.
But dying is ok - as long as you don't loose your head (literally and figuratively), and you or your promoter can afford the regeneration.
Heck, if you die often enough, it can even boost your name recognition - just ask Horace "Hammer" Harkness about it...27 deaths racked up so far, and still counting.
But, of course it sucks, when the regen-process is rigged by money-craving mobsters...

I'm about two thirds through right now, and so far I like what I read.
It's no "great literature" - but it's entertaining.
Recommended, if you're into cyberpunk and similar stuff.
Herodotus - The Histories
Mary Beard - SPQR
In Mortal Combat: Korea 1950-1953
John Toland

Actually started it a few weeks ago, got about half way through and then progress slowed. No drop in quality or anything, just my easily distracted nature. I like it so far.