ddickinson: You are to blame (sometimes)! Sometimes I just try to be nice, then you accuse me of something. Then I just think that I might as well have some fun with the mean man with the big blue eye. :-)
Do I need to repeat (myself) and say that I'm not one bit surprised that you refuse to take responsibility for your decisions and actions?
If you were truly nice, you wouldn't have fun at my expense, starting my calling me mean right and left. ;-P
IAmSinistar: If life were a rom-com, you two would be the perfect oil-and-water couple. ;)
The question now is - how likely is it that she would agree that I'm the oil? (~_^) (~_^)
donsanderson: Oscar and Felix? ;)
Strike that, "Oscar and Felicia".
Did you just call me sloppy?!? ॓_॔