donsanderson: Fixed that for you.
You're welcome. ;)
HypersomniacLive: (ლ ۞ิ ჴ ۞ิ)ლ
Grargar: That's more blinding than menacing...
... unless that was your purpose all along.
HypersomniacLive: Stilton approves, so goal achieved, I guess.
CarrionCrow: -checks updated list-
Okay, didn't miss anything I couldn't live without.
Gotta say, as a brief aside, that I frigging LOVE power outages when I'm trying to watch the frigging sale!
-mutters something about the local electrical grid being made by dimwitted 5 year olds-
HypersomniacLive: *looks at CarrionCrow, notices how refreshed they look, doesn't buy into outage story*
You can tell my refreshment level from the ever-present, unblinking crimson eyeball that constitutes my online persona? Not bad.
Also, of course I'm refreshed. I live in the middle of nowhere. Power goes out, there's nothing to do but sleep. Well, that or wander out in the dark and start calling for coyotes to play with. (Wouldn't recommend that second option.)
Additional - Hotline Miami's up, 1.99 with 80 percent discount. Sudeki to follow.