The 500th day has come and a time to draw a winner.
DProject was the lucky one with this story:
DProject: Please, sign me up for Re-Volt!
Fighting games are usually pretty fun, against friends. There was a particularly funny episode that once happened:
Around here, in the school I graduated from, there's a sort of a LAN-party (or perhaps it's more like a gaming weekend) that happens twice annually. There are all sorts of tournaments, and there's always one fighting game tournament. This one time, I think they were playing Dead Or Alive: win a match, move forward in the bracket. Lose a match, you're out. Now, this particular fighting game had an unusual element: objects in the battlefield. Such as huge rocks, that can get in the way. Now, we all know that fighting games have something similar in them: if the timer runs out, the combatant with the lesser amount of health, loses. One of my friends really knew how to take advantage of that. So, the match starts. He gets a hit right off the bat on the opponent. Then what does he do? He goes behind that rock, and stays there :D His opponent tries to get around him - he swirls to the other side. It was so hilarious to watch, and I bet his opponent was real pissed. It was like fighting game peek-a-boo, and so unfair. Naturally the timer ran out, and my friend won the match while both were still near full health. It was diamond.
I really enjoyed reading them all, and it wasn't easy to pick so I ended up writing down all the names on little pieces of paper, then had my girlfriend draw one.
Congratulations DProject, a code is on its way to your GOG inbox :)
To conclude this thread, I'll post a little story from my own gaming-life:
I used to play Command & Conquer: Red Alert (the first one) alot.
Ever so often I went online and played against others, which was fun to the max.
Most of the times I played on the Soviet side and allied myself with other players.
While allied I sent demolition trucks into their bases, they wouldn't get attacked because of the ally status.
Now while they fought the enemies, I had plenty of time to reinforce my own base, only sending out small amounts of troops and vehicles, so my base became heavily defended.
Then when enemies fell, the ally status would be cancelled by the computer.
Now my previous allies would start attacking my placed demo trucks, basically obliterating most of their bases.
All I had to do now, was to clean up the rest and the game was won.
I guess I don't have to repeat all the words that was sent my way...