Please stop trying to turn tables on me. I'm actually agnostic remember? You are the one that asserts you have proved god must exist, and we are debating the truth of one of your premises.
I noticed you didn't actually say whether the paradox is logical or not. I would be interested in more detail why such a paradox can obviously exist, but a self-emergent universe is prima facie impossible to you. Please elaborate more?
PS: As far as I can see all you offered that was not tautological was this strawman: "The idea of a universe where anything and everything can and does pop into and out of existence uncaused has no relation whatsoever to the universe in which we live." Do you need me clarify why it's a strawman?
PS: I missed where you told me you believe one of your beliefs is false. Considering your verbosity and meandering replies I trust you'll understand - but if you point that out again specifically I'd appreciate it.