No, actually, we never paid the danegeld so we were eventually able to get rid of them:)
Zolgar: It's not even about "you might be a crazy stalker". It's just
rude to give out someones personal information or contact details without their permission.
Because only private business, which is all-holy and good, in the US has the right to this information!
Seriously, get over it, this kind of information is so widely disseminated it's he information equivalent of the "village bicycle". Even your unlisted phone number is available from Information, all one has to do is state, "I want it anyway" and they will give it to you, all for 45 cents or whatever the fuck it costs these days.
It's like pretending your birthdays is secret information, even without Facebook all your shit is online. All your property transactions, all your court records (arrests too!), etc. is all there, it just used to be kind of hard to dig it up.
Go check the online "PI Services", they already have a pretty great idea about you and your family, just based on online genealogical records (thanks Mormons and old people!).