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I just paid minimum for this, unlike HIB and Indie Royale's. I normally pay more than average for the bundles, though this is not a bad deal if you consider the value is $1. I mean for 5 games, that's a steal. And you're gonna have an opportunity to try out Revelations lol
I don't like to make negative and unconstructive comments if I can help it, but it needs to be said: this bundle really is garbage.
Ian: do you think this is too bad to get to gift here?

I am currently gifting the humble bundle and very few peeps seem interested in that.
I'll take It :P
So far, it looks like Metal Drift is fun, kind of reminds me of Locus with tanks, but even given the $1 price point, and the fact that Metal Drift is only ~53MB, the servers are pretty much dead still. Maybe in the coming 24 hours, it'll start to pick up.

Haven't tried Revelations 2012, but after watching TotalBiscuit/TotalHalibut's review on it, I'm looking for a few good laughs.

Guns of Icarus is a good game to play if you want a decent, unique co-op experience. The next incarnation, which is going to be much more multiplayer oriented (and is not a free to play game, despite what everyone in Groupees chat thinks) is somewhat like the GoI version of AirBuccaneers and I think it's pretty awesome. The amount of teamwork required is astounding, and I like that.

Zero Gear is a fun racer, sort of in the vein of Mario Kart, but unlike Mario Kart, all of the powerups feel relatively useless, and that bothered me. They just lacked a certain punch.

I also haven't tried Laxius Force, but the GamersGate reviews of it are good. It's nice to see that this version is DRM-free, too, after the GG version had SecuROM. Given that fact, I wish they had the other ones in this bundle too, so I could get them DRM-free.
Post edited August 23, 2012 by johnki
Recsam511: well HB for Android is not bad, I've also buy it for me.. But this Be Mine... is... well :D
Let's hope they will add one or two better indie games!
Ian: thanks, don't think i will bother with this then - there is nothing that peeks my interest, so I wouldn't expect you more experienced gamers to be bothered either.
I played Metal Drift a little and it's a pretty decent game. Also, it has a 4 out of 5 star rating on GG, so it seems I'm not the only one who thinks so :) Also, Guns of Icarus is not a bad game either, but I never played co-op, which is supposedly what makes the game fun. Haven't played any of the others, but maybe you should read some reviews on GG or something before you decide on buying it or not :P
Obligatory Revelations 2012 video.

Guns of Icarus Online is indeed fun from what I've played in alpha (have not played it since), but that seems to be the only good game in there.
Ian: thanks, don't think i will bother with this then - there is nothing that peeks my interest, so I wouldn't expect you more experienced gamers to be bothered either.
Licurg: I played Metal Drift a little and it's a pretty decent game. Also, it has a 4 out of 5 star rating on GG, so it seems I'm not the only one who thinks so :) Also, Guns of Icarus is not a bad game either, but I never played co-op, which is supposedly what makes the game fun. Haven't played any of the others, but maybe you should read some reviews on GG or something before you decide on buying it or not :P
Yeah, but it seems it's servers are wasteland. No one is playing it, or so I'm told.
jamyskis: So now everyone can experience how truly dreadful Revelations 2012 is.
It's gotten better. At least the reworked 1st level is enjoyable. But honestly, unless you have a soft spot for crap games -- like I do -- I wouldn't recommend it.

Also Zero Gear is one to avoid. It's dead. And by all accounts, it was pretty much dead on release.
I'm tempted to get the bundle just for Laxius Force, but that would mean supporting the Revelations 2012 devs, which is a deal breaker for me.

Post edited August 23, 2012 by kalirion
Post edited September 02, 2012 by Ki11s0n3
Extra games added: Dwarfs!? is in the $5+ category, Steam key only. Battlemass is an unlocked goal reward, Desura + DRM Free. Also, it's not shown on the Be Mine 4 page, but in my account page there's a Steam key for Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World.
ABH20: Extra games added: Dwarfs!? is in the $5+ category, Steam key only. Battlemass is an unlocked goal reward, Desura + DRM Free. Also, it's not shown on the Be Mine 4 page, but in my account page there's a Steam key for Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World.
That is because Kaptain Brawe was the original unlock but they apparently changed it to Battlemass for some reason, so I am guess that if you owned the bundle before the switch then you got both
ABH20: Extra games added: Dwarfs!? is in the $5+ category, Steam key only. Battlemass is an unlocked goal reward, Desura + DRM Free. Also, it's not shown on the Be Mine 4 page, but in my account page there's a Steam key for Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World.
Ki11s0n3: That is because Kaptain Brawe was the original unlock but they apparently changed it to Battlemass for some reason, so I am guess that if you owned the bundle before the switch then you got both
That's funny. Maybe it being on sale at GamersGate and a Steam Daily Deal had something to do with it? Went ahead and activated both games just in case they remove the key from the account page.
Would anyone happen to have an extra key for Dwarfs?
Have been looking for this for a long time