F1ach: Depends on what you liked/disliked bout either, I was referring to the controls using sixaxis features.
DaCostaBR: Farenheit's story at least started good, Heavy Rain's never captivated me and it only got worse as it went on, culminating with that reveal that I just could not stand.
Gameplay I guess was pretty much the same on both. Farenheit's "alternating L1 and R1" (I played it on PS2) became Heavy Rain's Sixaxis, both annoying but ultimately harmless, so I don't see an issue there.
Yeah I totally get that, I cannot understand why HR is so highly rated, the story is just utter crap, crikey after the start, you would wonder why any wife in their right mind would leave the useless dork of a husband in charge of a child again, If I was her I would have taken out a barring order against him and the ending was a major WTF???? moment...
I always considered the game a tech demo for the sixaxis controller and nothing else from the stupid arm bandaging and minding the sodding baby to the guy with the glasses.
On saying that, from what I watched in those demos looked like an interesting story with supernatural overtones.