Nirth: I was just thinking so you don't get into trouble, they might call security or police if they see you at regular intervals during weekdays
using a USB-memory Thespian*: The use of USB memories is allowed (I've been using one for years). No problem there.
Nirth: I think there are some free proxies out there as transparent overlays, you won't need any external applications or memory sticks then.
Try this one, this should work perfectly (might be slow but that's a trade off):
Thespian*: All the proxies I've tried so far are blocked, including that one. :(
The message (translated from Spanish) when trying to access any blocked page is always: "The page you requested is blocked by security policy"
Argh, that's annoying.
Anyway, try this and put in your USB memory: Also, check this out. Anti-censorship application:
It's in experimental stages but I tried it a few months ago and it worked, I checked IP and it was changed and shown as a different country. However, that page itself could be blocked as well but they have new code/tech to circumvent such blockages.
I just tried Telex again. Download a proxy extension for your browser (I recommend Proxy Switchy! if you use Chrome) then add the info IP and 8888 port into the lines available in the first page in options of the extension. Considering this applies to a specific browser, you could a bring with you a portable version of your browser on the USB, this should be the easiest way.